Our Family Promise committee has been busy providing for families experiencing homelessness in our community. Beginning May 24, 2021, we are providing catered meals each weeknight to multiple families being served by Family Promise of Gainesville, while rotational housing remains postponed due to the pandemic. We are excited that Chef Empowerment’s Underground Kitchen will be providing the meals for the first time this hosting. Chef Empowerment’s objective is to reverse the commonly found statistics of increased crime and decreased employment by offering vocational training and immediate job placement for individuals who successfully complete their program. We are excited to support this beneficial program. We have also made a quarterly payment to Grace Marketplace to sponsor meals provided to individuals experiencing homelessness in our community.
Phoebe Papadi and Dawn Beachy, along with other members of the Gainesville Modern Quilt Guild, designed and constructed a gorgeous Gator inspired quilt so that Family Promise of Gainesville may raffle it off in effort to raise awareness and funds for their housing programs. You may purchase tickets for the raffle at https://go.rallyup.com/family-promise-quilt-raffle/Campaign. Ticket prices are as follows: 1 entry for $10, 3 entries for $25, 10 entries for $50, and 25 entries for $100.