Only Connect – Bromleigh

These pandemic months have been hard for so many reasons, not least of which is feeling so overwhelmed that we don’t find the time to connect with others: to share and to be heard and to be held up right where we are by members of our community. So, in September and October, we invite you to sign up for a small group. A small group whose only agenda is to ask “how is it with your soul?” or, less formally, “how are you today?” PLEASE SIGN UP on ShelbyNext by September 12th. We will decide as a group when to meet. Please start thinking of your preferences to meet. Early Thursday? Tuesday lunch? Late Thursday after bedtime? Saturday morning before the kids need you?  It is our hope that this opportunity will particularly appeal to folx who might not have strong connections to other UCGers yet, or who have felt the distance more acutely over these months.

Book your tickets