United Church of Gainesville
Sunday, February 26, 2023 – 9:15 am
Lent: Liturgy – The Work of the People – Introit

Our live stream begins at 9:15am. Click here to join.

During Lent, we invite you to light a candle for someone you wish to hold in prayer.

“In the Bible, after being baptized by John in the Jordan River, Jesus went off alone into the wilderness where he spent 40 days reflecting on what it meant to be himself, asking what his life, his spiritual journey, would be. Perhaps this is our task also during the Lenten season: to look at ourselves, our life, our spiritual journey in order to discover something not only of who we are, but also of who we are becoming.  Lent is an invitation to move beyond the daily questions of when and how that face us. … Lent beckons us to consider what matters the most, those questions about meaning and purpose and values.  So, begin here: Who are you becoming? What do you need to let go of?  What do you need to go forward?”  ~  Frederick Buechner

WELCOME – Larry Reimer

PRELUDE – “Praise God with the Trumpet” (Jeremy Young) -UCG Choir – Phillip Herr-Klepecki, Director.  Trumpets – Tim Martin, David Martin

CALL TO WORSHIP – Jennifer Larsen

Leader:    Fill us in the morning with your wisdom;
People:    Shine through us all of our lives.
Leader:    Let our hearts soon grow transparent in the radiance of your love.
People:    Show us how precious each day is;
Leader:    Teach us to be fully here.
All:          And let the work of our hands prosper, for our little while.
                      (from Psalm 90, paraphrased by Stephen Mitchell)

*OPENING HYMN – #28 in the grey songbook – “He’s Got the Whole World” Vs. 1-3   Mariam Sow, Larry Reimer guitar; Jackie Davis, bass

He’s got the whole world in His hands
He’s got the whole world in His hands
He’s got the whole world in His hands
He’s got the whole world in His hands.

She’s got the wind and the rain in Her hands
She’s got the wind and the rain in Her hands
She’s got the wind and the rain in Her hands
She’s got the whole world in Her hands.

He’s got you and me, brother, in His hands
He’s got you and me, sister, in His hands
He’s got you and me, brother, in His hands
He’s got the whole world in His hands.

PRAYER – “In a Time When the Landscape Has Changed”

Leader: O God, there are times when we wake
and discover that the landscape has changed.
The light suggests a later season; the land is different.
Growth has changed some people and removed others.
We may feel alone with no path to follow.
In these days, O God, you push us deep into the river of faith.
There we find you flowing with the ever-changing stream of our lives.

People: We sense your pulse in the beating of our hearts.
       We hear your spirit in the rhythm of our breath.
       We feel your grace in the cleansing wash of tears.
       We experience your release in the burst of laughter.

Leader: And we find that what we feared was lost in all those changes,
is we ourselves, and we are found.

All: Blessed be.  Amen.  (From The Hospital Handbook, Larry Reimer)

RESPONSE– #28 – “He’s Got the Whole World”- vs. 4-5

She’s got the little bitty baby in Her hands
She’s got the little bitty baby in Her hands
She’s got the little bitty baby in Her hands
She’s got the whole world in Her hands.

He’s got everybody here in His hands
He’s got everybody here in His hands
He’s got everybody here in His hands
He’s got the whole world in His hands.



Your gifts support all facets of the UCG community. You can also give online: bit.ly/ucgplate

Variations on “Jesus Loves Me” 
Alexis Dixon, Lizzie Dixon, Phoebe Papadi – English
Charlotte and Christoph Seubert – German
Helda Montero, Elena Frenock – Spanish


Choral Response:
Phillip will play the Taize chant once; then we will sing it twice.

Within our darkest night,
you kindle the fire that never dies away, never dies away.
Within our darkest night,
you kindle the fire that never dies away, never dies away.

SCRIPTURE – Matthew 3:14-17; 4:1-11

SERMON – “Putting Flesh on the Bones of Faith” – Larry Reimer

PRAYER – Sandy Reimer

RESPONSIVE PRAYER – (paraphrase of the Lord’s Prayer by Parker Palmer)         
Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother,
Holy and blessed is your true name.
We pray for your reign of peace to come;
We pray that your good will be done.
Let heaven and earth become one.
Give us this day the bread we need.
Give bread to those who have none.
Let forgiveness flow like a river between us
from each one to each one to each one.
Lead us to holy innocence beyond the evil of our days.
Come quickly, Mother, Father, come
for yours is the power and the glory and the mercy.
Forever your name is All in One.

*HYMN – “When Darkness Falls” #84 in the grey songbook – Mary Fukuyama flute, Jackie Davis, bass


Go from this place with the awareness
That what you fear most to lose is you,
And you are found.
Look for the shinings of everlasting light,
Before you, around you, within you.
Go forth now – be of good courage

Surrounded by light and grace
As we begin our journeys, seeking
who we are becoming, what we
need to let go, what we need to go
forward.  May you – may I – may we–
have a good Lent.

Blessed be.



 Here are our UCG friends celebrating a birthday this week!

Happy Birthday!
























































Many thanks to Diana Tonnessen for the bulletin cover art and to Diana, Susan James, and Andy Bachmann for creating the banners at the front of the Sanctuary.
Today at UCG
9:00am                      Childcare
9:15am & 11:15am    Worship – Larry Reimer
9:30am                     United Tribes Time
10:15am                    Fellowship & Beverages 
                                  YU & MST
                                  Puzzler Exchange 
10:30am                   Sunday Seminar
12:30pm                    Young Adult Lunch
2:00pm                      OWL Session**Pre-registered group

Lenten Booklets for daily reading are available in the Foyer or here with original artwork, music, photos, and writings by UCG members. Many thanks to Taylor Williams and Lisa Goldstein for their work curating and editing these booklets and to those who contributed original work.

Sunday Seminar – “Digging Deeper” with Tony Miller. Joins us for a reflection on how sermons in general, and today’s sermon in particular, play a role in our shared desire for spirituality in our individual lives and in the “spiritual community” that we desire UCG to be. As we begin the Lenten journey how can we increasingly find meaning and depth as “hearers of the word” together? In Reimer Hall or on Zoom. Meeting ID: 829 6457 0385 Passcode: 1624

Stop by the Puzzlers’ Table in front of Seminar B. Take home some puzzles this week, a great substitute for TV watching, and good for your brain! You can bring puzzles to swap, or not; we have plenty to share.

Spring Small Group Registration Ends Today – Register through ShelbyNext or contact the front office for how to get connected on ShelbyNext. Here is a list of group offerings.

A new way to connect with United Tribes! Stay updated about United Tribes and other Children’s Programming via Facebook, join the United Tribes Families Facebook page at bit.ly/TribesFB.  Only parents of registered United Tribes children will be admitted to the group. We ask that any pictures including children that are not your own not be taken from the page. Thanks!

Please visit the library to see a new art show of photographs by John Harvey.  We will have an artist reception next Sunday, March 5 between services.

BCYF is working on a United Tribes Directory! It will have the children’s picture beside the family’s contact information. If you have not done a registration form, or need to update your information in Shelby Next, email juliac@ucgainesville.org so your family can be a part of the directory.

Next Sunday, March 5
9:00am                      Childcare
9:15am & 11:15am    Worship – “Kyrie” – Rev. Talia Raymond
9:30am                     United Tribes 
10:15am                    Fellowship & Beverages
                                  YU & MST
                                   Art in the Library Reception
10:30am                     Sunday Seminar    
12:30pm                     Young Adult Lunch
                                    Board of Membership
2:00pm                       OWL Session*
7:00pm                       Climate Movie Night*Pre-registered Group                                  

The Creation Care, Climate Justice Task Force invites you to write the City Commission Urging them to Discontinue Natural Gas Rebates Please stop by the C3J table in the courtyard to get more information about this important issue. Here is a template letter you may use.

Climate Movie Night on Sunday, March 5 at 7:00 pm – “Nature’s Best Hope: A Proactive Approach to Earth Stewardship” – Many bird species are approaching extinction. We’ll watch a video presentation by Dr. Doug Tallamy, prof. of Entomology and Wildlife Ecology at the University of Delaware, based on his book, “Nature’s Best Hope.” We’ll discuss how we can do our part to help save nature in our own yards! Bring your own drink; we’ll provide the popcorn!

Interactive Lenten Art – The Lively Arts Committee has designed stained glass-like art hangings that are along the sides of the Sanctuary. Each bears the focus word for each Sunday in Lent. We need your help to add color and bring them to life!  Each Sunday, a question will appear in the bulletin that relates to the theme of the day. As you depart the Sanctuary, you will see a table with pens, markers, and colored paper. We invite you to respond to the question of the day by writing a word, phrase, or drawing a picture on a piece of colored paper. The papers will be added to the week’s artwork colorfully representing “The Work of the People.” This week’s question is “What do you need to move forward?”