News from Buildings & Grounds

Thank you SO MUCH to those folks who have made the most recent contributions to the Building Improvements Designated Fund. It has allowed us to proceed with the next things on our list. Do you remember playing Red Light Green Light when you were growing up? That’s what it feels like on our committee sometimes. Is there money to proceed or do we have to stop and wait? Thankfully we got another green light and have had a good month, finishing up long-in-the-works projects, marking things off our priority list, and tackling the next items on our list. There’s not much that we have accomplished that you can actually see or would notice if it wasn’t pointed out, so here’s what we’ve been doing:

  • The courtyard benches and tables have all been repaired and stained and the platform has also been stained, thanks to Glenn Mans and Jim White and volunteer helpers Sally Simonis, Ron Hix and Dave Kramek. They do look so much nicer.

  • The window project is completely done. All broken, torn or bent screens have been replaced. All broken window mechanisms have been replaced or repaired. All broken window balances have been replaced and all windows have been lubricated so they move easily. We have some happy staff who can now open their windows! And we feel like we made good progress toward making our campus safer.

  • The courtyard roof project is now completely done. The 215’ of fascia that had to be replaced finally aged enough it could be painted. PROJECT COMPLETE!

  • We replaced the HVAC unit servicing Reimer Hall and installed a dual-fuel system that is very energy efficient. We had insulation blown into that space, raising the R-11 to R-30. The HVAC company also replaced the motor in one of the sanctuary units and we’re hoping that is going to resolve the rumbling noise.

  • We received the topographical survey and Glenn Acomb has studied it and is pleased with the results. We now know the necessary figures we need for the courtyard grade where it is 8-12” above grade, the retention pond necessary depths, similarly above grade, and all the other figures for the campus that we will need as we pursue our work.

  • After the courtyard presentations and the feedback received, Glenn Acomb is preparing drawings for the courtyard that the Re-Mod Squad will be studying and then debating the pros and cons of the various aspects. Soon we will be seeking input from the congregation as to how you envision the best use of the space.

  • At long last Carol and Liz have finished the second and final review of the HouseMaster’s report and have long lists of the 200-300 lower hanging things needing repair, some for the handyman, some for the electrician, some for the plumber, etc.

  • We will be doing more tree work in the next week or so in the east parking lot to make that a safer parking experience, and correcting some of the compaction of the unpaved lots that is impacting drainage and affecting the health of the nearby trees.

  • And we have happily welcomed Connie Caldwell to our group as a liaison with the Creation Care & Climate Justice Task Force. We thought it would be a good idea to have someone from their group work alongside us as we make decisions regarding maintenance work, insuring that we are asking the right questions and considering all the right angles.

  • Solar Impact is now getting all the i’s dotted and the t’s crossed with GRU. Still no firm date, but it is getting close!

  • More HVAC units are next on our list. We’ll keep you posted!

And if any of you feel so inclined to make early contributions to the Capital Campaign for the Building Improvements Designated Fund, Catherine will so notate your gift, and the Re-Mod Squad will do a happy dance!

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