My friends, it is with great joy that I begin my term as moderator and look with you to the year ahead. We are a church in transition, to be sure, as we explore our core identity, our ministerial and staffing structure, different financial models and a potential capital campaign, and the changing needs of our congregation, church campus, and the wider community.
Despite the anxiety and uncertainty that comes with change, I am inspired by what happens daily at UCG: outreach programs to feed and house our neighbors, cards and calls and meals and visits for church members going through hard times, celebratory and stimulating worship, casual courtyard conversations over coffee, fighting for basic human rights and justice in many forms, small group discussions, making art and music, and on and on . . . No less inspiring are the many among us who give their time and energy to focus on the details of the budget, staffing, or vermin eradication!
Our task, I think, in the year ahead, is to face this time of change with courage and love and togetherness, with open hearts and minds, as we continue our good work together.
Jeremy Archer