United Church of Gainesville
Sunday, July 16, 2023 – 10 a.m.
Our live stream begins at 10:00 a.m. Click here to join.
“I am no bird; and no net ensnares me:
I am a free human being with an independent will.”
-Charlotte Brontë, “Jane Eyre”
WELCOME and ANNOUNCEMENTS – Rev. Talia Raymond
PRELUDE – Phillip Herr-Klepacki
RESPONSIVE CALL TO WORSHIP – adapted from “maybe,” by Kobi Yamada
One: You are the only you there ever has been or ever will be.
Many: I have so much to offer.
One: Your life is Yours. Do everything with love.
Many: Maybe I am here to help in ways that only I can.
One: There will be struggles, there will be fears, and it won’t always be easy.
Many: I may fall down. I may fail.
One: There is something powerful, even magical, about you.
Many: I already have everything it takes to do big things.
One: One thing is for sure, you are here. And because we are here…
Many: anything is possible.
HYMN – “Will You Come Come and Follow Me”
TIME WITH CHILDREN – “maybe,” by Kobi Yamada, illustrated by Gabriella Barouch
INTERLUDE – “Spirit of the Living God”
SPECIAL MUSIC & OFFERTORY – “Somewhere Over the Rainbow,” arr. by Mark Hayes, offered by the UCG Choir
READING – Selections from “The Acts of Paul and Thecla”
SERMON – “Resistance is Calling,” Rev. Talia Raymond
SONG – “In the Midst of New Dimensions”
The Worship Center includes plants to support Resistance: succulents (symbolizing tenacity and strength) and cacti (symbols of endurance, courage, and power in the face of adversity).
Here are our UCG friends celebrating a birthday this week!
Cindy |
Bergbower |
07/16 |
Miles |
Wolcott-Durante |
07/17 |
Christie |
King |
07/18 |
Linda |
Ledbetter |
07/18 |
Sandy |
Reimer |
07/18 |
Jamie |
Baldwin |
07/19 |
Suzanna |
Smith |
07/19 |
Mike |
Ward |
07/19 |
Keith |
Berg |
07/20 |
William |
Dougherty |
07/21 |
Steve |
Goldstein |
07/21 |
Elliot |
Kiker |
07/21 |
Kimberly |
McCollough |
07/21 |
Ginny |
Reed |
07/21 |
Ewan |
Johnson |
07/21 |
Phoebe |
Papadi |
07/22 |
Elora |
Parbst |
07/22 |
10:00 a.m. Worship – Rev. Talia Raymond
10:30 a.m. Activity Time
11:00 a.m. Fellowship & BeveragesNo Sunday Seminars for July! Seminars will return in August.
There is still time to register! C.A.M.P. UCG for children entering K-6th Grade will be July 24-28! Our theme is “All God’s Critters: Flying Animals Edition.” There will be special guests, a water slide day, yummy snacks, spiritual exploration, and a visit from some flying animals! Rates: $30 per child (8:30 a.m.-12 p.m.), $50 family cap for children in the same household. Aftercare Rate: (12-5 p.m.) $100 for the week, $20 per day. Email taliar@ucgainesville.org with any questions, or to volunteer with: crafts, STEM lessons, snacks, outdoor games, or if you have a connection to a community group that can teach our children about critters, however known. Monetary donations or gift cards to grocery/big box stores are also welcome. Register at https://bit.ly/campucg23
LifeSouth Blood Drive is next Sunday, July 23 in the east parking lot. Receive a $20 e-gift card for all donors. Please consider giving the gift of life.here to view the list of groups. Click here for events of interest in the greater community.
Gathering Water – Wherever you are this summer – in your yard, at the beach, in another state or country – remember to gather a small amount of water to bring to our annual “Gathering of Waters” service on August 13. This service is our ritual of re-gathering as a church community at the end of the summer. The Small Groups Committee wants to remind UCGers that there are ongoing small groups open to new participants during the summer. Click10:00 a.m. Worship – The Board of Parish Ministry welcomes Dr. Zoharah Simmons
10:30 a.m. Activity Time
11:00 a.m. Fellowship & Beverages
6:00 p.m. Sacred Sound SymphonyParking Reminder – Please note that on Sunday mornings, the west parking lot by the education wing is reserved for handicapped parking only. Thank you for your cooperation.