United Church of Gainesville
Sunday, February 23, 2025 – 10 a.m.
“This Month Brought to You by the Letter ‘F'”

Our livestream begins here at 10 a.m.

“Be a lamp, or a lifeboat, or a ladder. Help someone’s soul heal.
Walk out of your house like a shepherd.” – Rumi


PRELUDE – Mark Burlingame

CALL TO WORSHIP – from enfleshed

One: Blessed are those exploited by the rich
ALL: Blessed are those demonized by talking heads
One: Blessed are those overworked and underpaid
ALL: Blessed are those trying, every day, to get by
One: Blessed are Appalachians
ALL: Blessed are immigrants
One: Blessed are Indigenous people
ALL: Blessed are Black people
One: Blessed are Trans people
ALL: Blessed are educators and scientists
One: Blessed are healthcare providers
ALL: Blessed are incarcerated people
One: Blessed are victims of climate collapse caused by corporate greed
ALL: Blessed are community organizers
One: Blessed are those doing what they can with what they have
ALL: For these are the People of God.
One: For these are the People of God.
ALL: For these are the People of God.

OPENING SONG – “Here We Are” #27 UCG Songbook


SPECIAL MUSIC AND OFFERING – “Solo Cello Suite II, Menuet I and Menuet II,” by JS Bach, arranged for clarinet by Ulysse Delecluse, offered by Bess de Farber, clarinet
Your gifts support all facets of the UCG community. You can also give online: bit.ly/ucgplate.


MEDITATIVE MUSICOffered by Nan Ryan, hand pan

READING – “Blessed are the poor in spirit (for theirs is the kingdom of heaven)” by Alice Walker, read by Ann Fiorelli

Did you ever understand this?
If my spirit was poor, how could I enter heaven?
Was I depressed?
Understanding editing,
I see how a comma, removed or inserted
with careful plan,
can change everything.
I was reminded of this
when a poor young man

in Tunisia
desperate to live
and humiliated for trying
set himself ablaze;
I felt uncomfortably warm
as if scalded by his shame.
I do not have to sell vegetables from a cart as he did
or live in narrow rooms too small for spacious thought;
and, at this late date,
I do not worry that someone will
remove every single opportunity

for me to thrive.
Still, I am connected to, inseparable from,
this young man.
Blessed are the poor, in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Jesus. (Commas restored).
Jesus was as usual talking about solidarity: about how we join with others
and, in spirit, feel the world, and suffering, the same as them.
This is the kingdom of owning the other as self, the self as other;
that transforms grief into
peace and delight.
I, and you, might enter the heaven

of right here
through this door.
In this spirit, knowing we are blessed,
we might remain poor

SUNG RESPONSE – “All This Joy, All This Sorrow” #4 UCG Songbook

READING FROM SCRIPTURE – Luke 6:17-26, read by Robert Chapman

SERMON – “‘F’ is for For” – Rev. Talia Raymond

HYMN – “Joyful, Joyful, We Adore You” #4 UCC Hymnal

BENEDICTION – Rev. Talia Raymond


Here are our UCG friends celebrating a birthday this week:

February 23
Kathy Funke
Ann Seraphine

February 24
Jane Houston
Hazel Jury
Mary Nichols

February 25
Sandy Flory
Jack Ribe

February 26
Rowan Archer
Nettie Maguire
Diana Tonnessen

February 28
Joseph Hartley
Carl Jury
Sharon Parker
Wesley Terry

March 1
Aiyana Duerkson-Raymond
Sandy Browder

Today at UCG 

9:45 a.m.     Childcare – children’s wing
Puzzler Exchange – courtyard
10 a.m.        Worship Service – Rev. Talia Raymond
11 a.m.        Fellowship and Beverages – courtyard
11:30 a.m.    Visitors Coffee – library
Sunday Seminar – Reimer Hall
Congregational Life Team – seminar c
2 p.m.          OWL Training – west wing
5 p.m.          An Evening with Art Crummer – Youth United fundraiser

Sunday Seminar – “Bridging the Gap Between Deaf and Hearing Worlds,” with special guest Kentrell Martin, author of Shelby’s Adventures. Growing up with a deaf brother, Kentrell witnessed how the world viewed people who are deaf. Kentrell will share his story and how it led to him authoring his book series, Shelby’s Adventures, to introduce kids and parents to American Sign Language and deaf culture. Kentrell invites you to learn how to help bridge the gap between the deaf and hearing world. Kentrell showed his energy and passion for teaching children sign language during Camp UCG last summer and we are excited to invite the adults in our UCG community to learn from him as well. In-person and on Zoom. Meeting ID: 829 6457 0385 Passcode: 1624

Visitors Coffee – If you’ve been visiting UCG and would like to learn more about the church, please join Rev. Talia Raymond and members of the Board of Membership for coffee and conversation in the library following the service.

We are delighted to host “An Evening with Art Crummer” tonight at 5 p.m. Join us in Reimer Hall as Art Crummer shares his gifts of poetry and song. Guests will enjoy live music as well as readings from Art’s latest poetry book release, It’s About Time. A light reception will be provided; you are invited to bring a snack that you would enjoy sharing. Copies of Art’s books will be available for purchase. Donations support Youth United’s Work Tour 2025 to Washington, DC. We look forward to sharing this magical experience with you!

Rev. Talia’s Spiritual Storytelling small group for elementary aged kids and their families will begin next Wednesday, February 26. To sign up, email taliar@ucgainesville.org or go through the small groups on Shelby Next or call the office.

UCG 101 is Wednesday, February 26, 5:30 p.m. in Reimer Hall for those considering church membership, a time to learn about the church and connect with other members over light refreshments. Please contact the office or email info@ucgainesville.org to RSVP or sign up on the bulletin board by the office today. Please let us know if you need childcare. New Member Sunday is March 16.

Racial Justice Committee are collaborating with the Alachua County Community Remembrance Project (ACCRP) and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) on a series of lectures about black history in Alachua County, The Other Book: Black History in Alachua County.  The third lecture will be on Saturday, March 8, 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. at the County Administration Building. The program will look at the Jim Crow Era in Alachua County, with Dr. Michelle Dunlap and Dr. Rik Stevenson. For more information, click here.

Join UCG’s Open & Affirming Committee at our next “Open & Affirming Sunday Social.” Come get to know members of UCG in a fun and inclusive environment, hosted by ONA. The next Sunday Social will be on March 9 at 6 p.m. We will be getting dinner and playing minigolf at the Pink Flamingo Diner in High Springs! We will need to know how many people are coming so please RSVP to brantelg@gmail.com by Thursday, March 6.

During the season of Lent, you are invited to join Lenten Contemplative Prayer on Tuesday evenings March 11, 18, 25, April 1 and 8 – from 6 to 7 p.m. in the Sanctuary. This quiet hour, between Ash Wednesday and Palm Sunday, follows the Lenten worship theme of “Through the Lens.” We will reflect on and renew our spiritual journey, with five simple practices of awareness, with time for silence, for Psalms and reflections, for prayers and sharing.  Participants are asked to attend at least 3 of these 5 sessions. Please note that the sign-up deadline for this group is Sunday, March 2. You can register through ShelbyNext or by contacting Sandy Reimer at reimer.sandy@gmail.com.

UCG Supper Club: The last supper club of the year will take place on Saturday, April 12 at Jim White and Lisa McElwee-White’s home on Kanapaha Prairie.  Rather than being assigned a recipe, you will be assigned a category (appetizer, salad, side or dessert) and can bring whatever you wish.  We also request that you bring your place settings and beverage so we only need to collect money to reimburse Jim for the meat he will barbecue (no charge for vegetarians). Please RSVP to annecasella@gmail.com or kmccollough224@gmail.

Save the Date!  UCG’s All-Church Retreat is April 4-6. More volunteers are needed to assist with planning, workshops, and all the things that make this a fun opportunity to connect with others. If you are available to help, please contact tamih@ucgainesville.org.

Speak Up! Make Change!  As we read the “outrage du jour” in the daily news, instead of feeling hopeless and depressed, speak up and make change! One of the most effective methods of influencing our legislators is with phone calls. According to research, people who work in Senate offices understand that people who call are deeply invested in the issues, most likely to vote and to influence others to vote. Calls are tallied daily! One call per day, two minutes a day to make a difference.  Meaghan Bonnaghan has created this easy guide on how to “Speak Up! Make Change” which will be updated weekly!  Let’s do it! Sponsored by the Justice League.

Work continues with the remodeling of the west side bathrooms. Please use the office bathrooms for a few more weeks. Exterior access is available from the breezeway between the chapel and courtyard, next to the water fountain. Note also that our west side parking lot may have limited spaces available. Please let the office know if you will need assistance on Sundays for parking so we can help arrange a driver.

Help wanted for Kids Night Out (KNO) – We are so grateful for how KNO has been going. The children have loved the different events and activities each month. We have two unplanned Fridays left and are looking for volunteers to do activities with the kids. Please email Julia at juliac@ucgainesville.org if you would like to bring your area of expertise to a fun night at KNO.

Next Sunday, March 2
Food First Sunday

9:45 a.m.     Childcare – children’s wing
Food First collection
10 a.m.        Worship Service – Rev. Larry Reimer
11 a.m.        Fellowship and Beverages
11:15 a.m.    Common Threaders
11:30 a.m.    Sunday Seminar
2 p.m.          OWL Training
The Hidden Truth about Chamber Music (small group)