Before I Die I Want to…Wall Project

The UCG Before I Die I Want to …wall is in the UCG Courtyard the whole month of April. The Wall is in conjunction with the UCG small group that recently met for five Tuesdays evenings to study The Art of Goodbye: Exploring End-of-Life Concerns. The UF/IFAS Extension program is offered annually at UCG and is intended to educate individuals and families about end-of-life concerns and planning.

The Before I Die I Want to … wall project is part of the national promotion of end-of-life education and awareness and completion of Advance Directives (Health Care Surrogate and Living Will) which are highlighted each year as part of National Health Care Decision Day. A wink to the adage ‘death and taxes’, NHCDD always falls on April 16. UF Health and UF/IFAS Extension have worked tirelessly to encourage the community to pre-plan because “it’s never too early, but it’s often too late.” To learn more about Advance Directives, visit:

Click HERE to view the coverage of the Walls on WCJB TV 20.


Worship with Us

Join us for Sunday Worship! 

Offered at 10 a.m. live in the Sanctuary or livestreamed on YouTube.

Sunday Sermon by Rev. Talia Raymond

Sunday Seminar for February 23 – “Bridging the Gap Between Deaf and Hearing Worlds,” with special guest Kentrell Martin

Book your tickets