Board of Business & Financial Update

Great news! According to the most recent Treasurer’s report, income came in at 44% our budgeted amount, thanks largely to a number of members choosing to complete their full pledge up front. This generosity is much appreciated, as is the dedication of those who will continue to pay their pledges over the year. Operating expenses were pretty much on track at 32.6% of budget. (For comparison, the reporting period reflected 33% of the fiscal year.) People interested in finance almost always lean toward the side of caution. With so many unknowns as we move into a time of re-gathering, it is good to be able to be cautiously optimistic about UCG’s operating finances at this time. 

In terms of facilities upgrades, folks are excited about the much improved sanctuary lighting. Good news also is that AV and internet upgrades have been completed, all within the expected budget. And, at its May meeting, the Council voted to approve upgrading the courtyard benches with arms and other improvements. This project was funded privately, largely in honor of the memory of Madeleine Chance. The work, which is expected to be completed this summer, will make benches more accessible and move us closer to ADA specifications.  

In line with UCG’s priority of reviewing and updating the church’s policies and procedures, the BoB charged a subcommittee of Liz Harvey, Pradeep Kumar and Maureen Killoran with drafting a policy on the solicitation and acceptance of gifts.  

 Your BoB is co-chaired this year by Sanford Berg and myself. Our intention transparency. Please do not hesitate to contact us with your questions, kudos, or concerns.  

Maureen Killoran 

Co-chair, Board of Business 


Financial Update

Recognize this?  The church plates have been kept in storage during COVID in response to safety protocols.  Unfortunately this means that the budgeted revenue line is running low. The collection plates have made a reappearance and the ushers may be moving through the seating areas and will hold onto the plates, or will stand at the back of the Sanctuary at the end of the service.  Feel free to safely drop your check or cash directly in the plate, or in the jars at the entry check-in table.

Want to give electronically (and completely touch less) instead?  Look for the poster with the QR code as you leave the sanctuary.  Thanks for keeping our Plate Income healthy!

Catherine Cake, Church Accountant

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