Board of Business – August 2023

Since my last newsletter article in June, the current financial picture for the church budget has improved. Through the first half of the year our revenue is at 53.3% of budget, despite plate giving only being at 34% of budget and parking income at only 30% of budget. Rental and interest income are well above budget for year-to-date, and pledge giving is at almost 55% of budget. Thank you.

Expenses through the first half of the year are at only 48.9% of what was budgeted. This, of course, is helped in great part by the departure of Rev. Andy Bachmann. Through June, our actual revenue exceeds expenses by $42,905.

This does not necessarily mean that the church is way ahead. We have spent considerable funds on repairs to our buildings, replacing air conditioners, and tree work in the courtyard and parking lot. Much of this work has been paid for out of our capital reserves and from designated giving by some members. Additionally, $27,067 has been paid out of designated giving toward solar panels that will be installed on the west wing in August. There is more to be done, while reserves and designated giving balances are declining. Expect to see more for capital repairs in the 2024 budget, as many of our AC units are beyond their life expectancy and the courtyard and playground need more work.

Speaking of the 2024 budget, the Board of Business has begun discussing our needs for the coming year. We’ve received compensation recommendations from the Board of Human Resources, and we are gathering requests from the various committees and boards.

While we’re talking about budgeting, have you considered joining the Board of Business? The business of the Board of Business is to enable UCG to meet its mission by providing stewardship for UCG assets and resources through overseeing and authorizing church expenditures, including salaries and benefits for staff personnel; supervising the Church’s operational budget; managing and overseeing all financial assets and liabilities, not included in the Endowment; maintaining care and custody of all Church property, facilities, and physical resources, including procuring and disposing of real property as directed by the congregation; planning for short-term and long-term capital needs; and overseeing UCG fundraising processes, including but not limited to facilitation of the annual enlistment campaign. It sounds like a lot of work, but we have a very able staff that does the heavy lifting. We also rely on the Board of Human Resources to make final decisions on compensation and benefits. We rely on an Enlistment Committee to run the annual campaign. We rely on the Buildings and Ground Committee to prioritize work done on our buildings and campus. Our role is mainly oversight, policy decisions, and reporting to the congregation.

If you want to know more about church finances and care about the future of our church, please join us during Time and Talent Sunday on August 13.

Alan Hill, chair

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