We did it! Thanks to the wonderful generosity of all of our UCG members, we received $820,337 in total 2023 pledges, enough to craft a balanced budget for this year. This year’s budget will allow us to address some inequity in salaries for some of our staff and ministers, maintain the salary for a third minister following Andy’s resignation, and undertake the beginning step of providing an ongoing source of funding for our Capital Reserve. Historically, presenting a balanced budget, but this year was different. Thank you all for your generosity.
In other news, the closing of the Cornerstone loan has enabled us to start the year with a Capital Improvements Reserve with a balance of $45,883. When we take into account funds that were designated for building improvements of $24,775 and left over funds totaling $3,895 from the Education Wing renovation, we now have almost $75,000 available for further repairs and improvements for our campus.
In another act of generosity, some of our members, who wish to remain anonymous, have donated a total of $54,000 that will be used to install solar panels on the Education Building roof. This gift will provide a tangible example of UCG’s commitment to our environment.
Thanks to your generosity, UCG continues to be a strong community and a force for good in Gainesville