Enlistment Update
In November we officially ended our 2020 enlistment campaign, during which we asked members of our faith community to pledge their financial gifts to sustain the life and ministry of the United Church of Gainesville.
A number of additional pledges have been received since and we are delighted to announce that in the midst of a global pandemic, political and cultural uncertainty, and well-placed economic anxiety, we are only 3% away from our budget goal. We are so thankful to all who were willing and able to make a pledge. We are also grateful for the continued and faithful presence and involvement of those who are unable to pledge, but wish they could. Twenty-nine church members have notified our accountant, Catherine Cake, that they will be unable to pledge. There is so much that is unknown in this season, and we want you to be assured that we remain your community, and are here to weather these days alongside you. We have less than $27,000 to go before our 2021 budget is fully funded, and while that is not insurmountable, we ask that if you haven’t yet gotten around to making the pledge you intended to, you would do so sooner rather than later. We will be finalizing the 2021 budget before the Congregational Meeting on January 24th. Thank you, all of you. It is such a gift to be a part of this wonderful community: to share our lives in so many ways. To be the church together.
2020 Budget Update
At the end of December, 2020’s Operating Budget-vs-Actual remained “in the black” by $543, although minor adjustments are still being reviewed. Our income finished at 89.7% of what had been budgeted, a reflection of the financial difficulties created by the pandemic. Concurrently, expenses were also less, at 89.6% of the budgeted amount. However, the income contraction meant that we were not able to transfer the budgeted $18,000 to replenish our Capital Reserve.
We are grateful to all who have continued to meet their pledge commitments for 2020 and also to those who make “plate” donations on-line or by check. Note that there is always a line in the budget – including for the 2021 budget – for “Late Prior Year Pledges,” so its never too late to fulfill your pledge commitment if you are able.