Buildings and Grounds – September 2023

At long last, our solar panels have been installed on the education wing and youth room roofs, and they will hopefully have the kinks worked out and be up and running by the time you read this. Soon we can give you updates about how much money we are saving each month.Thanks again to the three donors who gave nearly $55,000 for this project. What an incredible gift that will keep on giving!

We’re continuing to monitor the courtyard to see the effects of digging out roots and compacted soil and replacing them with gravel. We are looking to create a French drain in the sidewalk in the southwest corner of the courtyard, to allow water to flow out of the courtyard into the retention pond. The drain under the sidewalk entrance to the courtyard, which connects the retention ponds on either side, was non-functional. That has been augered out, although the elevation of the retention pond on the east is a foot higher than the drain. Not surprising news, and pretty much what we expected. Next on our list is lowering the grade of the retention ponds and restoring the proper drainage of water.

We’re moving ahead with getting architectural drawings for the redesign of the education wing bathrooms to make them accessible to all, and in the process, take care of the shower issues. The architect will also give us some possible designs for a makeover of the kitchen, since there has been some discussion about that project being included in the Capital Campaign. We will also consult with engineers about our parking lots and how their problems (largely drainage issues and trip hazards) can be best addressed. And we have a number of woodwork (rat damage) and handyman repairs and pressure washing underway, so things might look a little nicer and brighter!

We had a successful work day to set up a system for cordoning off our property along Fifth Avenue during football games, to keep football fans from parking on our sidewalks and in our retention ponds. It was hot, sweaty work, and we are so grateful to the crew who organized and orchestrated the project. Thank you Erick Smith, Doug Kiker, Taylor Williams, Ron Hix, Jim White, Carol Barron and Glenn Mans! While they were working away, Larry Alsobrook was giving the east parking lot entrance a makeover with native plants, which look so nice!

Can you believe there is no news about having to replace yet another air conditioner? I probably shouldn’t say anything . . .

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