Buildings and Grounds – July 2023

I don’t think the ink had even dried yet on the last newsletter before we had another air conditioning unit bite the dust. This is one of the two units that service the West Wing, a much-needed unit. After great angst about spending a big chunk of the small funds that remain available, we felt this qualified as an emergency and so we will be replacing this unit about the time this newsletter is distributed. There is a delay because of the need to build the “curb adapter,” equipment that allows us to mount this package unit on the roof platform next to the other package unit servicing the West Wing that is made by a different manufacturer. We will be hosting the Girls Rock Camp the last week in June and they have rented the entire West Campus so we cannot do the installation that week. We may be renting a portable a.c.  unit if we can’t keep it cool enough in the West Wing for them, and with all their musical and sound equipment producing heat in addition to warm bodies, it is quite likely it will be a necessity. These are the types of emergencies that we want to avoid as much as possible by doing maintenance and replacing units before they die, especially when they service areas that we use on a regular basis or rent out.

We continue to work in the courtyard to mitigate drainage problems, and we are so grateful for the folks who have volunteered to help Glenn Mans with all that work. Last week when there was a three-inch rain over a 12-hour period, the water did not build up back to the buildings, so we’re hopeful that we’ll be able to keep abreast of the drainage problems through the rainy season that has just begun. Glenn Acomb continues with courtyard design work, and we will be showing you some drawings and pictures in the near future.

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