COVID Guidelines Have Changed

Beginning this month, the United Church of Gainesville will begin following the new Endemic_Response_Guidelines, which are based on the risk for serious disease and not the risk for transmission. “Endemic” as opposed to “pandemic” acknowledges that the coronavirus and its variants will be present in our community indefinitely.

We will be using a color zone approach based on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s revised focus on the risk for serious disease. When we are in the yellow or green zone, our gatherings at UCG will be mask-optional environments. That said, it is important that all of us respect that there are still many among us who are at moderate to high risk of severe disease from Covid. We will ask everyone to carry masks with us so that if requested by a person with medical risks we can mask up and keep a safe distance.

Please note that UCG will continue broadcasting one Sunday worship service on YouTube.

To learn how the COVID-19 risk levels for serious disease are determined go to “How_Covid_Risk_Levels_are_Determined”.

If you have any questions about the new guidelines or how we will determine the color-coded risk of severe disease zones, please do not hesitate to email Dar Mikula at

The Covid Advisory Team first met on March 5, 2020, in response to the coronavirus pandemic concerns that had reached the Gainesville community. Our members are Allan March and Dar Mikula (co-chairs), Ann Gill, Lisa Goldstein, Alan Keitt, Sally Kimberly, Danielle and Eric Nelson, our three ministers (Andy, Bromleigh, Talia) and our current moderator Donn Smith-Lopez. Feel free to reach out to any of us for more information. The guidelines and reference materials will be published on the website.

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