Is the United Church of Gainesville called to be a designated Creation Justice Congregation through the UCC?
Our parent denomination, The United Church of Christ, recommends that all congregations heed the call to be good stewards of our earth and creation by becoming a designated Creation Justice Congregation. In answer to this call, we have formed the Creation Care Climate Justice Task Force, which is guiding us through an 8-month discernment process to fully consider our call.
As part of the recommended process from the UCC, every two months each board and committee and all congregants are asked to consider guiding questions. We don’t want to simply say we are a Creation Justice congregation, we want to embody the call to be good stewards of the earth.
The guiding questions for us to consider this month are:
- How can our congregation integrate care for creation into the life and work of our ministry teams, committees, and church council?
- How can our congregation embody care for creation through our building and land use policies and practices?
Each board and committee will consider these questions this month, and we also ask for your input. A table will be set up with these guiding questions prepared for you to write your responses and join in the conversation outside Seminar B every Sunday. We will also host a special seminar on November 27th along this theme and update you on the status of the process and the responses we have received. You are always welcome to email us at as well. Every opinion matters, so please join in our process and consider how we can integrate care for creation into the life and ministry of our church!