Family Promise Update

Family Promise of Gainesville is in the process of making major changes to the way it functions for families experiencing homelessness. As many of you know, it is finalizing a permanent shelter location at Westminster Presbyterian Church where the families will ultimately stay without the need to rotate from congregation to congregation. Once that location is finalized, UCG will switch gears to providing meals, and hopefully serving them, at the Westminster location.  

Currently, we are scheduled to host families for a week at UCG beginning October 8, 2023. This may very well be UCG’s last on-campus hosting.  It is possible we may host one more round in the spring, but that has not yet been determined by  Family Promise of Gainesville. Your Family Promise committee will have a table set up in the courtyard before and after the service on October 1 for you to sign up to volunteer. Also, here is the sign-up genius link:

Please note, all guests will have obtained a negative at home COVID test before coming to UCG.  Regardless, all volunteers and guests are strongly encouraged to wear masks in common areas. Family Promise of Gainesville has reduced the number of families who will stay at UCG, from typically 4 or 5 down to 1 or 2, to encourage COVID safety. Because we are not able to share the vaccination status of our guests, we strongly recommend that our volunteers wear a self-protective mask and practice good social distancing measures.  

Thank you all, so much, for the love you pour into Family Promise. We are able to make big things happen because of you and your unwavering support.   

Lisa Debroux Ingram and Dawn Beachy 

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