Family Promise Week

It’s Family Promise Week nationally from October 22-28th.
A time when we say thank you to all the congregations and clubs that have been part of our program over the last year.   

Family Promise of Gainesville is one of 206 programs across the country uniting the faith community to help children and their families who are homeless.  Since January, we have helped 97 people in Alachua County. Since opening in 1998, we have helped over 1,500 people.

Below, we share one woman’s thoughts about being in the program–to give you a sense of the all-encompassing work we do to nurture families.

Hello to potential volunteers and donors,

I am the mother of 3 minor children the ages of 15 years, 9 years and an 8 months old. My journey began here in April as a homeless mother with children. If it was not for Family Promise and their staff, I don’t know where I would be right now. The staff’s assistance with mentoring, counseling, and everyday laughter kept my self-esteem and faith on an all-time high and my confidence continued to excel. I always felt encouraged to do better and to strive to become a better parent, person and woman. I also learned the value of a dollar and the purpose in trying to save it with their budget saving packages to work on, given to me by staff.

The journey there at Family Promise gave me a new understanding, new meaning on how important it is to ask for help, letting me know that someone cared for my children and me, letting me know that we were loved as well as cared for unconditionally by staff. I am so forever grateful for them assisting my children and me with all of our needs, concerns, and welfare, I am so very grateful that Family Promise was the shelter that had chosen to accept my children and me.

I want to say thank you to all the staff and to all the services for being in my family’s life. I pray that God continue to bless your foundation with all that you need to continue to bless other families.

I pray that every mother that comes through the Family Promise program gain their securities, self-esteem, and confidence back while they continue to remain productive positive and
encouraged women.

Michelle M.
2017 graduate from Family Promise shelter program

To support our program, or for more information about Family Promise, please visit


Worship with Us

Join us for Sunday Worship! 

Offered at 10 a.m. live in the Sanctuary or livestreamed on YouTube.

Sunday Sermon by Rev. Talia Raymond

Sunday Seminar for February 23 – “Bridging the Gap Between Deaf and Hearing Worlds,” with special guest Kentrell Martin

Book your tickets