The UCG Sunday Seminar Committee is proud to announce a line-up of coming seminars we are certain you will enjoy. Join us every Sunday morning at 11:15, live on Zoom. Meeting ID: 829 6457 0385, Passcode: 1624
Feb. 7: Mayor Lauren Poe – Gainesville Mayor Lauren Poe, a member of UCG, will speak about a program he supports that advocates a guaranteed income at the local, state and federal level. Guaranteed income, he believes, is the most direct and effective path out of poverty. That is why he is working with a local nonprofit, Community Spring, to develop a plan for a guaranteed income pilot in Gainesville. It is his hope to enlist a coalition that can put together the funding, identify a group of families to participate, and track the outcomes so we can better understand how this approach could help reduce poverty in our own community.
Feb. 14: From Conflict to Connect: Building Bridges of Undestanding – Jeffrey Weisberg, co-founder of the River Phoenix Center for Peacebuilding in Gainesville, has extensive experience with facilitation of local, national and international trainings in peaceful communication and conflict resolution. He is currently working with projects to bring together people of opposing political beliefs and differing backgrounds and has developed and facilitated programs for police-youth dialog. He will provide resources to go deeper into the process of peacebuilding with people of different interests.
Feb. 21: However Known –UCGers are forever saying “God However Known.” What do UCGers actually believe God is? How do they describe God? UCGers Barb Gibbs, Paul George, Mark Burlingame, Pam Smith, and Donn Smith-Lopez – each with a different spiritual focus — will first describe their concept of God, and then the session will be thrown open to discussion.
Feb. 28: Near Death Experiences – What happens when we die? Considerable research being conducted on NDEs (Near Death Experiences) and the reports of what is experienced during clinical death are often quite similar. What should UCGers believe? In this Seminar hosted by Fletcher Crowe, Dr. Louis Ritz, an Associate Professor of Neuroscience at the UF McKnight Brain Institute will lead a discussion of this research and describe his use of meditation to transcend normal everyday experience.