“Grace in Action” — Enlistment Update

Many thanks to the more than 200 households that have already participated in our enlistment campaign, “Grace in Action.” It’s not too late to make your financial commitments — of any size — for next year, but the sooner the better! Your responses allow the Board of Business and other congregational leadership to plan for all the ways the United Church of Gainesville can be an ongoing source of Grace in Action in our community and in the world. We’re getting ever closer to our goal, and every bit helps. UCG is an economically diverse congregation, and we never want anyone to give beyond their means. We simply hope you’ll throw your lot in with us for another year of ministry together. Return a pledge card (physically or metaphorically) and let us know the United Church of Gainesville is an important part of your life, and you want to continue to participate as you are able!

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