Grushers Needed

Your Assistance is Needed on Sundays

We will be holding TWO services inside the Sanctuary starting Sunday, November 7th. Your support is needed now more than ever with greeting our members and friends at either (or both!) the 9:15AM and 11:15AM services.

For the 9:15AM: Come at 8:45AM and assist with preparations for the first service and to greet our congregants.

For the 11:15AM, come at 11:00AM and help greet those attending the later service.

If available, please plan to stay after the service(s) for a few minutes to support a few housekeeping tasks. Your contribution to the livelihood of the church life in this way is important and so very much appreciated.

Once you sign up* for a time slot, the Sunday Morning Coordinator will be in touch the week prior to give you more specific guidelines. For more information, email Dar Mikula, or call (352) 378-3500.

Book your tickets