As I mentioned in my first Moderator’s Minute in June 2022, my theme for the year was Into the Light: Together Again. It seemed like wishful thinking when I decided on this while I was Moderator-Elect. At that time there were highly contagious Covid variants causing spikes in cases and we were wondering if boosters would work against them. We were having in-person services but with masks and distancing.
It has been almost a year since I became Moderator. I recently went to the all-church retreat and it felt normal to be there. It reminded me that my theme turned out to be appropriate for this past year–we were in the light and together again.
Being the Moderator has been amazing, interesting, inspiring, and challenging. I have been lucky to have wonderful support and encouragement from church members and leaders. I am so grateful to our boards and committees who continue the work of the church with enthusiasm and strong participation.
At our December Church Council gathering, I mentioned to Andy that once we got past the Winter Congregational Meeting when the budget and By-Law changes were going to be voted on, the next few months until May would be relatively smooth with business as usual. Then January came and he announced his retirement. In many ways, it was a surprise, but I know that Andy’s involvement with Camp Highlands has always been very important to him. As he said, it became difficult to give two full-time jobs the care and attention they needed. We will miss him but wish him the best in this next phase of his life.
UCG has been through many changes in the last several years. Also, we have experienced a pandemic and are currently facing many disturbing and restrictive laws in Florida. Our congregation is surprisingly resilient and I am confident that we can keep working together to move forward in a positive way.
Please attend the Spring Congregational Meeting on May 21st. It will be in person and on Zoom. Watch for updates in May including the agenda in the Tuesday emails and in the advance notice of the meeting.
It has been an honor to serve as your Moderator—thank you for the opportunity.
“We have all we need to come through. Against all odds, no matter what we’ve lost, no matter how dark the night, we offer and are given kindness, soul, light and food, which create breath and space, which create hope, sufficient unto the day.” – Anne Lamott