Moderator’s Minute – Change and Experimentation

You have no doubt noticed that our beloved UCG is embarking on two grand experiments as we seek to discern our path forward over the next several years. The first is already in place – the hiring of our three temporary and part-time transition support personnel, in the areas of worship and music coordination (Chad McGinnis), pastoral care (Ellen Ribe), and communications strategy (Heather Dewar). The second, which starts this month, is the extension of our single-service worship schedule into the fall.

The goal of each of these experiments is to try on for size a different way of doing things, a way that not only helps meet immediate needs or concerns, but also might give us a glimpse into possible futures. How does it feel to have a variety of people helping the ministers in caring for the congregation and moving forward this mission of the church? How will it feel not to re-adjust your Sunday schedule once the academic year starts, and to see a different group of faces in our Sanctuary?  In both cases we are trying something new but time-limited, so that we can come together as a congregation and use the information gleaned from our experiments to see what might work for the UCG of today and tomorrow.

Even temporary changes can be very challenging and affect each of us differently.  I am proud of our willingness to try new things, and grateful for your patience and your feedback as we move forward.

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