The holiday season is one of my favorite times of the year and sometimes that surprises me. During my childhood, I had a variety of emotions leading up to and including Christmas. There was the excitement of decorating the tree, seeing outdoor lights around town and the possibility of snow on Christmas Eve. But along with that, there was constant underlying anxiety because of our volatile family dynamics fueled by too much alcohol and lots of tension. I know many people experience similar mixed feelings during this season.
I was lucky to have a warm house, food on the table and gifts under the tree. A happy memory was our annual Christmas Eve open house. Neighbors were invited to stop by for chili and a variety of side dishes with cookies and treats for dessert. For more than 30 years, I have had an annual open house for friends in December. It’s been two years since I could host this party but I’m looking forward to having it again this year.
Here are some opportunities at UCG for you and your loved ones to make new and lasting memories during December. Starting with the decorations in the sanctuary, Christmas Angel gifts for the Rawlings Gift Market, Christmas donations to Ray Meeks, Christmas mini-grants, the Advent booklet, the children’s Christmas pageant, the lighting of the Advent wreath, the youth chili lunch fundraiser with gift basket raffle, Lessons and Carols, Longest Night, the all-church band playing favorite carols and finally, the Christmas Eve services—wow! There is something for everyone. Come and join us for another amazing holiday season.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
“What is Christmas? It is the tenderness of the past, courage for the present, and hope for the future.” ~Agnes M. Pahro