• Help Needed: Masked Grinners and Elbow Bumpers Unite!

    The Coronavirus Advisory Team is looking for a couple more people willing to commit to one Sunday a month in April during which you will (1) Smile lovingly from behind your mask and (2) Greet UCG members with your best …

  • Middle School Together & Youth United March Activities

    Watch for details from Talia in weekly emails. Wed. 3/3: Lenten Study on zoom, 5:30pm Sat. 3/6: Pokemon Raid and Walk and Talk, 12:30pm Sun. 3/7: Cooking with Yo’ on zoom, 4:30pm Sat. 3/13: Zoom Game Time, 4:30pm Sun. 3/14: …

  • March Sunday Seminars

    The UCG Sunday Seminar Committee is proud to announce a line-up of coming seminars we are certain you will enjoy. Join us every Sunday morning at 11:15, live on Zoom. Meeting ID: 829 6457 0385, Passcode: 1624 Mar. 7…

  • United Tribes in March

    Hi Families!  We’ve enjoyed getting to connect somewhat directly with you all recently on Zoom with our Sunday Evening Zoom Lent Devotions for Kids and our Zoom Conversation led by the Board of Children, Youth, and Families where we gathered …

  • CMRB

    The Congregation-Ministry Review Board’s mission is to serve as a conduit between the ministers and the congregation. If you ever want to discuss a problem, concern, or something that went great, don’t hesitate to contact CMRB chair Tim Martin, or …

  • Easter at UCG

    Our hope and plan is to celebrate Easter, the Day of Resurrection, together in person. Services will be a little simpler than in years past, as we observe all of our COVID protocols, but no less joyful. Reservations for the …

  • Outdoor In-Person Worship Coming

    With COVID infection rates dropping and increasing availability of the vaccine, the COVID team has advised that we might begin to take steps toward resuming some of our in-person activities. The biggest change at this point will be to our …

  • Lent at UCG

    Lenten Devotional Booklet – Make your way through Lent guided by the voices of our community. Pick up a hard copy during the Ash Wednesday Drive-by event, get one in the mail by contacting Shanna in the office, find the …

  • Thursday Live Lenten Devotional

    Thursdays, noon, February 18 and 25,  March 4, 11, 18, and 25. Your ministers provide a five minute devotion to get you through the week (and hone their live broadcasting skills). Join us here!…

  • Lenten Devotional

    Make your way through Lent guided by the voices of our community, accompanied by a bag of intentional items, to enhance your lenten observance. Pick up a devotional in the Courtyard (along with your bag of lenten items), get …

  • Bob Atkins

    We received word from Pam Kylstra, Bob Atkins daughter, that Bob died at noon, Wednesday, February 10.  He was 95.  Bob was the last living founding member of the United Church of Gainesville. He was a crucial part of …

  • Lenten Worship Theme & Schedule

    Our theme this Lenten season is “Elemental.” Each week as we move closer to Easter, a story of life and love stronger than all things, we explore the ways in which we are connected to one another, to the earth, …