Open and Affirming Committee

On behalf of the Open and Affirming Committee, we want to thank all who gave so generously of their time during this season of Pride. We were excited to unite with other LGBTQ+ supportive organizations and faith communities as sponsors of the first-ever Pride float in the 100-year history of the UF Homecoming Parade! 

Many members of UCG attended the annual Spirit of Pride awards dinner where we proudly cheered for our own Christine and John Denny who own First Magnitude Brewing Company. Their business was awarded for the many ways they support and affirm the LGBTQ+ community.

We also thank those who brought food for the Pride Brunch and continue to support the LGBTQ+ community all year in many different ways.

We are working with our Justice League members on issues important to all of us. One of those is the issue of banned books. As some of you may know, Alachua County schools recently removed a book called Beyond Magenta: Transgender Teens Speak Out. Due in part to our inquiries, the district will revisit the decision because district policy for removal was not followed. If you are interested in reading the book, there is a copy in the UCG library.

With Gratitude,

Malika Green and Elizabeth Husband

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