Pride Weekend with UCG!

Pride Weekend Information from Open and Affirming Committee – Saturday, October 20 & Sunday, October 21

Saturday we are meeting at 7th Street and W University Avenue at 11:00 am to march in the Pride Parade. We will have a lion mask making station and materials to decorate bikes for the children. You may want to park at the parking garage near the Sun Center and walk down to W 7th Street so you’re closer to your car at the end of the festivities. The parade starts at 12:00 pm. If you aren’t marching, come sit on the south side of University Avenue between W 7th street and E 1st Street and cheer us on! Please refrain from wearing “Gay & Straight Together” shirts as they exclude several groups of people and can even be seen as offensive by some. We want people to know that EVERYONE is welcome at UCG. After the parade there will be music and lots of great booths. UCG will represent our Pride by selling “Ya’ll Means All” t-shirts and promoting UCG. Come by and say hi!

Sunday there will be PRIDE services at UCG at 9:15 and 11:15 am. In between services from 10:15 – 11:15 am we have a fantastic seminar put on by Linda and Karen, a couple who has been together for over 40 years. In 2009 Karen transitioned from a man to a woman, and their relationship is stronger than ever, proving love conquers all. I can’t wait to hear their powerful story. After second service ONA will be putting on the PRIDE Potluck Lunch. Please bring a dish to share.

Worship with Us

Join us for Sunday Worship! 

Offered at 10 a.m. live in the Sanctuary or livestreamed on YouTube.

Sunday Sermon by Rev. Talia Raymond

Sunday Seminar for February 23 – “Bridging the Gap Between Deaf and Hearing Worlds,” with special guest Kentrell Martin

Book your tickets