Racial Justice Committee – December 2024

The Racial Justice Committee is a unique committee as it works closely with organizations in the community as well as supporting education and participation in racial justice initiatives for UCG. Recently, many of our members attended and supported two community roadside markers for lynching victims Tom Williams in Archer, Florida and Moses Smith in the local Monteocha area. We are looking forward to collaborating with the Alachua County Community Remembrance Project (ACCRP) and the NAACP on a series of lectures about black history in Alachua County, The Other Book: Black History in Alachua County. Our members, Jackie Davis and Ron Nutter, have been working with Dr. Rick Stevenson, UF Professor of African American Studies, to complete this excellent series of lectures in various locations. The information about this series is here. We are encouraging UCG members to attend and support this unique opportunity within our community! We still have much to learn and to support about our black brothers and sisters struggles.

Prior to Martin Luther King Day, we will begin selling our Black History Matters t-shirts at UCG. We hope that you will buy a t-shirt and march behind our UCG banner on January 20.

The RJC Committee is supporting a project that Nkwanda Jah, founder of the Cultural Arts Coalition, has begun. She is encouraging the purchase of small desk sets for $30 for schools in our sister city of Ho, Ghana. We want to encourage support for this project for only $30, which can be purchased by sending your check or payment to cash app $nkwandajah or Zelle 352 219 5793 or mail check to me 1112 NE 2nd Street, Gainesville 32601. How exciting to know that a child will be able to learn easier with just a $30 donation.

There are lots of projects and plans coming up with the Racial Justice Committee and we would love to have you join us. We meet the second Tuesday evening of each month at 6:30 via Zoom. You can contact Doris Harvey if interested.

Doris Harvey, Chair of Racial Justice

Book your tickets