Racial Justice Committee Service on September 17

RJC has some exciting events coming up in September! On September 17, you’ll be saying, “It’s not like this every Sunday” at the RJC sponsored church service. Following announcements and prayers, for the remainder of the service local actors Stan Richardson, Shamrock McShane, and Pamela Marshall Koons will be performing the play “An Evening with Frederick Douglass and Captain John Brown.” Mark your calendars; you won’t want to miss this amazing performance. (It is 35 minutes long.)

Also that day RJC is sponsoring an exciting seminar on immigrant issues with special guest Veronica Robleto, the director of the Human Rights Coalition of Alachua County. Veronica will be talking about the struggles faced by undocumented workers in this political climate. One of the difficulties immigrants face is the problem of not having an ID. Without an ID you can’t open a bank account, register your children for school, get an apartment, etc. And on September 24 the RJC will be sponsoring an ID drive for the HRC! Learn more about this at the seminar on September 17.

And be sure to stop by our table on August 13 to pick up a list of banned books. In October we will join others in reading a banned book during Banned Books Week, followed by a book discussion on October 8. Please join us! You’ll be hearing more about that soon!

Book your tickets