Value Destruction
“Americans celebrate the holidays with an orgy of value destruction.” These are the words of the economist Jared Waldfogel, making the case for why we shouldn’t give gifts. And from a microeconomic standpoint, that case is apparently pretty easy to …
Continue readingStay in Character While Waiting in the Wings
Isaiah 9:1-7 All over the place, churches are having Christmas pageants, however known. Whether fancy and high-tech with lights and fabulous sets or humble and homemade, in the wings are waiting characters who are electric with excitement. It was before …
Continue readingWaiting in the Wings
“Advent begins with a paradox of who we are and where we are: somewhere between the darkness and the light, somewhere between the fact of darkness and the hope of light, watching and waiting for a holiness to heal us, …
Continue readingAmbiguous Blessing
November 22, 2015 Job 2:8 There is nothing that whispers, growls, suggests, invites, and incarnates our worship theme of “delicious ambiguity” like Thanksgiving. Am I right? It is the holiday that puts on a sweet company face. On the delicious …
Continue readingThe Ambiguity of the Sea and the Certainty of the Harbor- Sandy Reimer
Readings: “We live in our partial knowledge as the Dutch live on land reclaimed from the sea. We dike and fill, dredging up soil from the bed of mystery and build ourselves room to grow. And still the mystery surrounds …
Continue readingThe Name Drawn From Names
One year during college I worked as a youth minister. As part of the job, I was in charge of the high school class on Sunday mornings. Going into my first week, I obsessed about how to make it the …
Continue readingA Heap of Stones
When you were younger and fighting with a friend or sibling and you drew an imaginary line on the backseat of the car or used an entire roll of masking tape to create a border in the middle of your …
Continue readingBlessed to Be a Witness to Animal-like Behavior
One of the responsibilities that most ministers feel keenly is that compelling opportunity to try to create in a sermon each week a window into the Mystery. We’re like journalists–always looking for the story…a personal experience, a witness: the sermon …
Continue readingDoes Prayer Matter?
A couple summers ago, I went with a group of UCGers to Plum Village Meditation Center in France. I was excited to hear one of my personal saints, Thich Nhat Hanh, in the flesh. But I also had an ulterior …
Continue readingQueering the Witness
There is a variety of opinion among etymologists regarding the origins and early meaning of the word queer. According to some studies, it entered the English language in the 16th century or so and was believed to have come from …
Continue readingPeace Talks Matter
In this September worship theme, are asking ourselves, “What Matters Most?” And thus far, we have named that humility of heart matters and that humility leads to deep listening, and deep listening matters, and deep listening can lead to connections …
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