The Name Drawn From Names

One year during college I worked as a youth minister. As part of the job, I was in charge of the high school class on Sunday mornings. Going into my first week, I obsessed about how to make it the …

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A Heap of Stones

When you were younger and fighting with a friend or sibling and you drew an imaginary line on the backseat of the car or used an entire roll of masking tape to create a border in the middle of your …

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Blessed to Be a Witness to Animal-like Behavior

One of the responsibilities that most ministers feel keenly is that compelling opportunity to try to create in a sermon each week a window into the Mystery. We’re like journalists–always looking for the story…a personal experience, a witness: the sermon …

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Does Prayer Matter?

A couple summers ago, I went with a group of UCGers to Plum Village Meditation Center in France. I was excited to hear one of my personal saints, Thich Nhat Hanh, in the flesh. But I also had an ulterior …

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Queering the Witness

There is a variety of opinion among etymologists regarding the origins and early meaning of the word queer. According to some studies, it entered the English language in the 16th century or so and was believed to have come from …

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Peace Talks Matter

In this September worship theme, are asking ourselves, “What Matters Most?” And thus far, we have named that humility of heart matters and that humility leads to deep listening, and deep listening matters, and deep listening can lead to connections …

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Humble Pie Matters

“What matters most” is a worship theme and a call to contemplative action. It has been a question calling out to many of you, in the context of our time and place, as we feel again and anew the suffering …

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Connections Matter Most

“It really boils down to this: that all life is interrelated. We are all caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied into a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one destiny, affects all indirectly.”- Martin Luther King Jr. “Be …

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A Costly Invitation

One of the most significant seasons in my spiritual life began when I answered an invitation not unlike the two classified ads we just heard read. It didn’t invite me to adventure on the high seas or through a time …

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D-I-Y Faith

There is one swear word in this sermon. Which I say mostly to heighten expectation. But also by way of warning. Dan Stevenson has lived in the Eastlake neighborhood of Oakland, California for four decades. Over those years he has …

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The Comforting Parakeet

John 14:15-21 Our worship theme in these days of sunshine and rain is “Sacred Summer,” exploring what enhances our spiritual journey. As the seasons change, as we work and play, teach and travel, and as the humidity rises, how is …

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Worship In Person or Online

Join us at 10 a.m. in the Sanctuary or live-streamed on YouTube