Agnus Dei, (Latin), English
Lamb of God, designation of Jesus Christ in Christian liturgical usage. It is based on the saying of John the Baptist: “Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!” (John 1:29)
During Lent, we invite you to light a candle for someone you wish to hold in prayer.
WELCOME AND BIRTHDAYS – Rev. Andy Bachmann PRELUDE – Phillip Herr-Klepacki TIME WITH THE CHILDREN Matthew 21:8-11, “A very large crowd spread their cloaks on the road, and others cut branches from the trees and spread them on the road. The crowds that went ahead of Jesus and that followed were shouting, “Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is the one who comes in the name of God! Hosanna in the highest heaven! When Jesus entered Jerusalem, the whole city was in turmoil, asking, “Who is this?” The crowds were saying, “This is the prophet Jesus from Nazareth in Galilee.”
As we process the Palm Parade around the Sanctuary, please sing, “Hallelu!” Hallelu, hallelu, hallelu, hallelujah! Praise Ye The Lord! (repeat)
Praise Ye the Lord! (Hallelujah!) Praise Ye the Lord! (Hallelujah)
Praise Ye the Lord! (Hallelujah!)
All together: Praise ye the Lord!
Rev. Talia Raymond One: With the heart-pounding rush and the thrilling crush of the crowds in the busy streets, we sweep away our worries and wants and join our voices to the chorus of Hosannas all around-
Many: But in the shadow of our eye, we sense a presence pushing back against our euphoria and joy-
One: As we make our way to the Temple courtyard, the shouts and smiles falter a step; slow back, tone down, and cast to murmurs among the Roman soldier and temple guards.
Many: For a moment there, we knew no fear. The calls and cries sprang from our hearts and lips with unfettered adoration and hope-
en spiritus sanctus, alive and well and calling us to life!
One: For a moment there, we even believed in God’s holy reign, knew the day we would overcome, and felt a kinship and kindness with and towards all creation;
Many: The rocks and the stones, the dirt and the dust, the ashes and trees, the sun, moon, stars, and the breeze
One: the planets aligned before the shouting began, but elation gave way to trepidation as we dispersed among the marketplace, and we wondered how long this Way-shower would last saying such things as give us hope in these
days shrouded in fear.
Many: (whisper) Hosanna. Hosanna. Hosanna.
One: “Behold the Lamb of God (Angus Dei), who takes away the sins of the world.”
*Sing verses 1 and 2 of “Gather Us In”
PASTORAL PRAYER – Rev. Talia Raymond SPECIAL MUSIC AND OFFERTORY – “In Paradisum,” from Faure’s Requiem. Offered by the UCG Choir. Directed by Phillip Herr-Klepacki Your gifts support all facets of the UCG community. You can also give online: SCRIPTURE and READING The Raising of Lazarus, adapted from the Gospel of JohnThe Transition by Bill Zegel A life’s past is full of history
So many stories to tell
A life’s future is all mystery
We see our dreams casting a spell
But change will always put us to the test.
We know all things pass way.
Rather than allowing a desired rest,
It forces us to cling to one more day.
This world exists forever in transition
Never able to remain the same
We gradually accept changes to inner cognition
That in the end, nothing is abstained.
Realize the illusions of futures yet unborn.
Living now, that alone is enduring and real.
But nothing grows to its completion without thorns
And life does not return to where it was, despite the zeal.
SERMON- “Tea With Lazarus,” Rev. Andy Bachmann COMMUNION All are invited to share in Communion. Members of our Board of Parish Ministry and our ministers will bring the Communion elements to each row. You may break off a piece of the bread and hold it to dip into the goblet. Pottery goblets contain wine; glass stemware contains grape juice.
Sing verses 3 and 4 of “Gather Us In” PRAYER SING TOGETHER – “All This Joy, All This Sorrow”All this joy, all this sorrow,
All this promise, all this pain,
Such is life, such is being,
Such is spirit, such is love.
Sing of joy, sing of sorrow,
Sing of promise, sing of pain,
Such is life, such is being,
Such is spirit, such is love.
World of joy, world of sorrow,
World of promise, world of pain,
Such is life, such is being,
Such is spirit, such is love.
All is joy, all is sorrow,
All is promise, all is pain,
Such is life, such is being
Such is spirit, such is love.
Anna Lena
Today at UCG
9:00am Childcare
9:15am & 11:15am Worship – “Agnus Dei”
9:00am LifeSouth Bloodmobile
9:30am United Tribes Time
10:15am Fellowship & Beverages
Youth United & Middle School Together
10:30am Sunday Seminar
12:15pm Young Adult Lunch
2:00pm Book Launch with Star Bradbury
OWL Session
6:00pm Climate Movie Night
Sunday Seminar – “Money, Mission, Me: A Spiritual Approach,” with Daniel Webster. Utilizing a key Palm Sunday event, we will look at what money is and does. With a Capital Campaign in mind, we will explore the concept of UCG’s mission and how money relates. Join us in Reimer Hall or on zoom. Meeting ID: 829 6457 0385 Passcode: 1624
Climate Movie Night is TONIGHT at 6pm in Reimer Hall – The Creation Care & Climate Justice Committee and our Youth Group invite you to a screening of the documentary: “The Ants and the Grasshopper,” which follows a Malawian farmer’s efforts to combat the climate crisis using her faith to build connections with American farmers. See the trailer here:[http://].
Food First Sunday is TODAY – Thank you for your support to the Gainesville Community Ministry’s Food Bank. Since January, the congregation has generously given over 1,550 pounds of nonperishable foods!
LifeSouth Bloodmobile is here TODAY from 9am – 1pm. Please give the gift of life. Thank you!
Back by popular demand- UCG stainless steel tumblers! Available in time for our annual All-Church Retreat, tumblers are available for order at Featuring either a teal or rainbow church logo, please indicate on your order!
Book Launch Celebration! – You are all invited to Star Bradbury’s book launch celebration today from 2-4 in Reimer Hall for her new book “Successfully Navigating Your Parents’ Senior Years.”
Thank you all for another wonderful Noodles and Doodles Event! It was great food, art, and fun for a great cause! Your support of our Youth United Work Tour is greatly appreciated. There are a few pieces of art still looking for homes. They are on tables in the courtyard this morning; if any speak to you, make any donation towards the work tour and it is yours! The remaining art will be donated.
Calling all Green Thumbs and Flower-Lovers! – Help us further beautify the Sanctuary for Easter by bringing in flowers from your garden to fill the Taizé blocks. Whether in small vases, or bouquets, please drop your contributions before the 9:15am service on Easter Sunday. If you want to participate but don’t have any flowers growing at home, the Winn-Dixie on NW 13th and 23rd is making a donation to Food4Kids throughout April, whenever you buy a Bloomin’ For Good Bouquet for $12.99.
Cypress & Grove Brewing Company is hosting a YU Work Tour Round-Up Event (customers are asked to round up their purchases to the nearest dollar to support YU.) on Friday, April 7 – Saturday, April 8 from 7-9 p.m.! Live entertainment on 4/7: Front Porch Backsteppers, 7-9 p.m. 4/8: Stella Bachmann’s band, Breakfast 4 Dinner, 7-8:30 p.m. Our Youth will be tabling at both events.
Congregational gifts in honor of Andy Bachmann – If you’d like to honor Andy Bachmann’s 20 years of service to UCG with a financial gift, here are two options that speak to important threads in Andy’s ministry and spiritual journey:
- A Camp Highlands Foundation scholarship fund to enable a child(ren) from the Lac Courte Oreilles band of the Ojibwe tribe to attend camp (Andy has been working to strengthen connections between Highlands and local indigenous communities), OR
- a Pilgrimage Support Fund to help enable the continuation of Andy’s commitment to pilgrimage as an avenue for spiritual exploration, growth, and rejuvenation. You are also welcome to contribute to both!
To give, please send a check to UCG Accountant Catherine Cake with either “Highlands Scholarship” or “Pilgrimage” in the memo line
For Andy’s Farewell Celebration, we are creating a very special guest book. Please join us in Seminar A on Sunday, April 23rd immediately following the first service to sign Andy’s book and drop off some memorabilia (think a wallet-sized photo or another flat object). You may also email or send your memorabilia to Heidi Stein or 715 NW 40th Terrace, Gainesville, Florida 32607. All items must be received on or before April 23rd. Andy’s book will also be available for signatures at his celebration on April 30th.
Last Sunday for Interactive Lenten Art –Please stop at the tables outside the Sanctuary and respond to the question of the day by writing a word, phrase, or drawing on a piece of colored paper which will be added to the week’s artwork colorfully representing “The Work of the People.” Question:For what do you mourn?
Holy Week at UCG
Maundy Thursday, April 6, 6:30pm in the Sanctuary– A simple service of song and holy communion, commemorating Jesus’s last supper and his commandment – mandatum – to the disciples: to love one another.
Good Friday – April 7 at 6:30 pm in the Sanctuary – A service of personal storytelling and heart-rending music, as we enter into the story of Jesus’s last hours and days. If you have a story to share, contact
Easter Sunday – April 9 at 8:00 am in the Courtyard, 9:15, and 11:15 am in the Sanctuary, and live-streamed on YouTube. On the most joyful morning of the Christian year, we gather to sing and proclaim Good News, accompanied by brass, guided by rich traditions, and imagining a bright future of transformation in love.
Next Sunday, April 9
Easter Sunday
7:45am Childcare
8:00, 9:15 & 11:15am Worship – Rev. Bromleigh McCleneghan
9:00am Fellowship & Beverages
9:30am United Tribes Easter Egg Hunt
10:15am Fellowship & Beverages
4:00pm Dances of Universal Peace
6:00pm Sacred Sound Symphony
March 31 COVID update – According to the CDC, Alachua County residents have a low risk of serious illness from COVID-19 (the Green Zone). Although there is no data for the number of new cases or the virus levels in the County’s wastewater, people are still being admitted to hospitals with COVID. Masks are not required and are optional for people with medical risks.