United Church of Gainesville
Easter Sunday
April 9, 2023 – 9:15 am

Our live stream begins at 9:15am. Click here to join.


PRELUDE – Phillip Herr-Klepacki

THE EASTER STORY – Matthew 28:1-10 – Rev. Andy Bachmann, Rev. Bromleigh McCleneghan, Rev. Talia Raymond     

REJOICING TOGETHER – “The Hallelujah Chorus” G.F. Handel – Led by the UCG Choir. Brass Musicians – Mark Burlingame, Carl Carter, Harper Fitzpatrick, Carlos Frenock, Ewan Johnson, David Martin, Tim Martin, Lucia Nelson, Larry Reimer

CALL TO WORSHIP – Rev. Andy Bachmann

One: Christ is Risen!
Many: Christ is risen indeed!
             All: Alleluia!

OPENING HYMN – “Christ the Lord is Risen Today”


INTERLUDE – “Halleluja”

PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE – Rev. Talia Raymond

OFFERTORY ANTHEM  – “The Day of Resurrection” – UCG Choir, directed by Phillip Herr-Klepacki
Your gifts support all facets of the UCG community. You can also give online: bit.ly/ucgplate

SCRIPTURE LESSON – from Jeremiah 36 

“At that time,” says the LORD, “I will be the God of all the families of Israel, and they shall be my people. The people who survived the sword found grace in the wilderness; when Israel sought for rest, the LORD appeared to them from far away. I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore I have continued my faithfulness to you.”

“Again I will build you, and you shall be built, O Israel!”
“Again you shall take your tambourines and go forth in the dance of the   merrymakers.”
“Again you shall plant vineyards on the mountains of Samaria; the planters shall plant and shall ‘enjoy the fruit.’”

“For there shall be a day when sentinels will call in the hill country of Ephraim: ‘Come, let us go up to Zion, to the LORD our God.’”

READING – “Dawn Revisited,” by Rita Dove – Rev. Andy Bachmann

Imagine you wake up
with a second chance: The blue jay
hawks his pretty wares
and the oak still stands, spreading
glorious shade. If you don’t look back,

the future never happens.
How good to rise in sunlight,
in the prodigal smell of biscuits –
eggs and sausage on the grill.
The whole sky is yours

to write on, blown open
to a blank page. Come on,
shake a leg! You’ll never know
who’s down there, frying those eggs,
if you don’t get up and see.

SERMON – “Roll Away the Stone” – Rev. Bromleigh McCleneghan

RESPONSIVE HYMN – “Come, You Faithful, Raise the Strain”

EASTER LITANY – Daniel Webster
One:   When we are all despairing;
When the world is full of grief;
When we see no way ahead, and hope has gone away:

Many: Roll back the stone.

One:   Although we fear change;
Although we are not ready;
Although we’d rather weep and run away:

Many: Roll back the stone.

One:   Because we’re coming with the women;
Because we hope where hope is vain;
Because you call us from the grave and show the way:

Many: Roll back the stone.                              — Janet Morley

SPECIAL MUSIC – “Roll Away Your Stone” by Mumford & Sons – Andy Bachmann, guitar; Stella Bachmann and Elena Frenock, vocals; Ian Ragsdale, bass

BENEDICTION – The Ministers



Here are our UCG friends celebrating a birthday this week!







Rose Ann
























Today at UCG

8:00am                 Worship – Rev. Bromleigh McCleneghan 
9:00am                 Childcare
Fellowship & Refreshments
9:15 & 11:15am    Worship – Rev. Bromleigh McCleneghan
9:30am                 United Tribes Easter Activities 
10:15am               Fellowship & Refreshments 
4:00pm                 Dances of Universal Peace 
6:00pm                 Sacred Sound Symphony
For Andy’s Farewell Celebration, we are creating a very special guest book. Please join us in Seminar A on Sunday, April 23rd immediately following the first service to sign Andy’s book and drop off some memorabilia (think a wallet-sized photo or another flat object). You may also email or send your memorabilia to Heidi Stein or 715 NW 40th Terrace, Gainesville, Florida 32607. All items must be received on or before April 23rd. Andy’s book will also be available for signatures at his celebration on April 30th.

Dances of Universal Peace, 4pm today in Reimer Hall – The dances are inspired by sacred phrases from world religions and combined with simple folk-dance steps. No partner or previous experience is needed. All are welcome!

Sacred Sound Symphony today at 6pm in the Sanctuary – The sacred sound symphony is the playing of a collection of crystal singing bowls that send out pure vibrational energy which helps the body and mind to fully relax and begin to heal from the stresses that our everyday lives create. It is a wonderful accompaniment to our Easter celebration.

Back by popular demand- UCG stainless steel tumblers!  Available in time for our annual All-Church Retreat, tumblers are available for order at bit.ly/tumbler23. Featuring either a teal or rainbow church logo, please indicate on your order!

No Sunday Seminar on April 9 & 16 – Join us on April 23 with some members of the Creation Care and Climate Justice Task Force.

Congregational gifts in honor of Andy Bachmann – If you’d like to honor Andy Bachmann’s 20 years of service to UCG with a financial gift, here are two options that speak to important threads in Andy’s ministry and spiritual journey:
  • A Camp Highlands Foundation scholarship fund to enable a child(ren) from the Lac Courte Oreilles band of the Ojibwe tribe to attend camp (Andy has been working to strengthen connections between Highlands and local indigenous communities), OR
  • A Pilgrimage Support Fund to help enable the continuation of Andy’s commitment to pilgrimage as an avenue for spiritual exploration, growth, and rejuvenation.
You are also welcome to contribute to both! To give, please send a check to UCG Accountant Catherine Cake with either “Highlands Scholarship” or “Pilgrimage” in the memo line or click here.
Eat Local, Grow Hope Global – The Compassion in Action Committee asks you to continue shopping with our partners at local farmers’ markets throughout April and plan to celebrate our collaboration with local partners to improve food security by joining our Break-Fast soup and salad potluck, a live event at UCG on Thursday, May 4 beginning at 6pm. Childcare with a kid-friendly supper will be provided upon request. We will be tabling between services on Sundays, April 23 and April 30.

Next Sunday, April 16

The All-Church Retreat, “Odyssey,” at Warren Willis Camp. Our Sunday worship will be held at Warren Willis Camp in Fruitland Park at 9:30 am.

***There will be no service here at UCG***

We will send out an online, self-directed service on the theme of “Odyssey” on Sunday morning for those unable to join us on retreat.

Capital Campaign Update – One of the possibilities to be considered is whether we would hire a consultant to assist in planning and conducting a capital campaign. To help us understand the benefits and potential costs related to using a consultant we invite you to participate in a presentation scheduled for Thursday evening, April 20th at 6:30 pm in the Sanctuary or on Zoom. Childcare is available upon request. Join the Zoom meeting at https://bit.ly/Capcam Meeting ID: 212 046 6883 Passcode: 1624.

Young Adult (YA) lunch is on Sunday, April 23. If you are older than high school age and younger than 30ish, please join us at the fountain after the 11:15 service is over. We will go to a nearby place to grab a bite together. For more information contact Judy Parsons at judyp482@gmail.com.

Patticakes Potluck is Back! – Patticakes is a group for UCG member and visitor families with children infants through 1st grade, as well as their siblings. Each month, we have a potluck gathering at a different home. Join us Saturday, April 29, 4-6 pm at Amanda and Michael Tudeen’s Treehouse at 4908 NW 16th Pl, Gainesville. Please bring a finger-food appetizer or easily shareable dish. We will have snacks and drinks for the kids.

Visitors’ Coffee with Rev. Bromleigh on Sunday, May 7 at 10:15am – If you’ve been visiting UCG and would like to learn more about the church, please join us at a visitors’ coffee, where Rev. Bromleigh and members of the Board of Membership will be available to answer questions you may have.

April 7 COVID update – According to the CDC, Alachua County residents have a low risk of serious illness from COVID-19 (the Green Zone). COVID virus levels in the County’s wastewater continue to decline. In addition, the number of hospital admissions for COVID are also a bit lower. Masks are not required and are optional for people with medical risks.