Gathering of Waters
Sunday, August 11, 2024 – 10 a.m.

Our livestream begins here at 10 a.m.

Every year at the United Church of Gainesville, we begin our program year with the ritual of the gathering of waters. Church members and friends from far and wide have collected waters from places special to them. In this service, we will gather those together and then we will use this water for all our sacred rituals this coming year.

WELCOME – Rev. Talia Raymond

Compassion in Action
Small Groups Committee
Board of Membership

PRELUDE – Mary Fukuyama, drums and Shirell Hix, bamboo flute

CALL TO WORSHIP – Rev. Bromleigh McCleneghan

One:   If I were called in
To construct a religion
I should make use of water.
All:      Going to church
Would entail a fording
To dry, different clothes;


One:   My liturgy would employ
Images of sousing,
A furious devout drench,

All:      And I should raise in the east
A glass of water
Where any-angled light
Would congregate endlessly.   ― Philip Larkin

*HYMN “God of the Waters” words by Shelly Wilson below, tune by George W. Warren,
Gather us in, we all return this day,
Full of the mem’ries made along our way,
We bring the waters from the lakes and seas
That speak of healing, power, home, and peace.
Waters that heal, pour down in summer rain,
Cleanse the dry Earth, renew our souls again.
Ease all our sickness, quench our deepest thirst
Like tiny ferns, green us into new birth.Like ocean waves, waters of power roll,
Break down the walls and free the captive soul!
Wash all injustice, violence, pain, and greed,
So all creation may be free, indeed!We have returned from journeys far and near,
Join we today with friends we hold so dear,
Love now compels us to this place again,
Where we find home, and welcome others in.Waters of peace invite us to be free,
Releasing guilt and long–felt enmity,
May love and grace within our hearts increase,
May we be instruments, O God, of peace.


INTERLUDE – Phillip Herr-KlepackiChildren 3 years – 5th grade may leave for Activity Time in the children’s wing. Our nursery for babies and toddlers and child care for older children are available until 12:30pm. Parents who wish to keep their small children with them are invited to use the parents’ room in the back of the Sanctuary.

THE WATERS OF POWER – Jim Harper, co-chair, Creation Justice Committee

Do not be hardened by the pain
and cruelty of this world.
Be strong enough to be gentle,
to be soft and supple like running water,
gracefully bending around sudden turns,
lithely waving in strong winds,
freely flowing over sharp rocks,
all the while quietly sculpting
this hard world into ever deeper beauty,
gently eroding rigid rock into silken sand,
tenderly transforming human cruelty
into human kindness.
Remember, true strength is not found in the stone,
but in the water that shapes the stone.                          L.R. Knost

 Bring forward the Waters of Power

SPECIAL MUSIC AND OFFERING – “Before the Deluge” by Jackson Browne, offered by David Evans guitar, vocal, Art Crummer dobro, vocal, Jackie Davis, bass,
Andrew Driscoll, fiddle, Vicki Evans, Susan Kirkland, Hannah Norton, vocals
Your gifts support all facets of the UCG community. You can also give online:

Some of them were dreamers
And some of them were fools
Who were making plans and thinking of the future
With the energy of the innocent
They were gathering the tools
They would need to make their journey back to nature
While the sand slipped through the opening
And their hands reached for the golden ring
With their hearts they turned to each other’s hearts for refuge
In the troubled years that came before the delugeSome of them knew pleasure
And some of them knew pain
And for some of them it was only the moment that mattered
And on the brave and crazy wings of youth
They went flying around in the rain
And their feathers, once so fine, grew torn and tattered
And in the end they traded their tired wings
For the resignation that living brings
And exchanged love’s bright and fragile glow
For the glitter and the rouge
And in a moment they were swept before the deluge
Let the music keep our spirits high
Let the buildings keep our children dry
Let creation reveal its secrets by and by, by and by
When the light that’s lost within us reaches the sky
Some of them were angry
At the way the earth was abused
By the men who learned how to forge her beauty into power
And they struggled to protect her from them
Only to be confused
By the magnitude of her fury in the final hour
And when the sand was gone and the time arrived
In the naked dawn only a few survived
And in attempts to understand a thing so simple and so huge
Believed that they were meant to live after the deluge
Let the music keep our spirits high
Let the buildings keep our children dry
Let creation reveal its secrets by and by, by and by
When the light that’s lost within us reaches the sky


And then, summer rain. Do you know what a summer rain is? To start with, it is pure beauty striking the summer sky, awe-filled respect absconding with your heart, a feeling of insignificance at the very heart of the sublime, so fragile and swollen with the majesty of things, trapped, amazed by the bounty of the world.

And then, you pace up and down a corridor and suddenly enter a room full of light. Another dimension, a certainty just given birth. Just as teardrops, when they are large and round and compassionate, can leave a long strand washed clean of discord, the summer rain as it washes away the motionless dust can bring to a person’s soul something like endless breathing.

That is the way a summer rain can take hold in you – like a new heart, beating in time with another’s.

                    from The Elegance of the Hedgehog, by Muriel Barbery

Bring forward the Waters of Healing 

PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE – Rev. Talia Raymond

MEDITATIVE MUSIC – Shirell Hix, piano, Mary Fukuyama, native flute

THE WATERS OF PEACE – Rev. Chad McGinnis

Every part of the earth is sacred . . . The shining water that moves in the streams and rivers is not just water, but the blood of our ancestors.  Each glossy reflection in the clear waters of the lakes tells of events and memories in the life of our people. The water’s murmur is the voice of our grandparents. The rivers are our brothers and sisters. They quench our thirst, carry our canoes and feed our children. So you must give the waters the kindness that you would give to your family. Teach your children what we have taught our children, that the Earth is our mother and what befalls the earth befalls all the earth’s children. The earth does not belong to humans; humans belong to the earth. All things are connected like the blood that unites us all.  Humans did not weave the web of life; we are merely a strand in it.  Whatever we do to the Earth, we do to ourselves.   “Chief Seattle’s Message” from A Peace Reader by Ted Perry

Bring forward the Waters of Peace 

CONGREGATIONAL SINGING – “I’ve Got Peace Like a River” (vs. 1-3) 

THE WATERS OF HOMECOMING – Jessica Elkins, co-chair, Racial Justice Committee
I was sitting in the river on a water–splashed stone
and all afternoon, I listened to the voices of the river talking.
Whenever the water struck the stone, it had something to say,
and the water itself, and even the mosses trailing under the water.
And slowly, very slowly, it became clear to me what they were saying.
Said the river: I am part of holiness.  And I too, said the stone.
And I too, whispered the moss beneath the water.
Said the river: imagine everything you can imagine.
Yes, it could be that I am a tiny piece of God, and each of you too,
or at least a part of God’s intention and God’s hope, which is a delight
beyond measure.  I only know that the river kept singing, and still,
pressed deep into my mind, the river keeps coming, touching me,
passing by on its long journey, its pale, infallible voice singing me home.
adapted from “At the River Clarion,” from Evidence by Mary Oliver.

Bring forward the Waters of Homecoming

HOMECOMING BLESSING for Rev. Bromleigh McCleneghan, led by RD Bonnaghan, chair, Congregation-Ministry Review Board

Leader:  Today we give thanks for a summer of Clergy Renewal Leave and a time of Congregational Renewal.

Bromleigh:  I give thanks to God for this congregation and for the gift of this time away.

People: This summer, we have been guided by God’s wisdom, God’s peace, and God’s Spirit. We pray you have found the needed time and space for a renewal of soul, a refreshed spirit, an energized mind, and a cared-for body. We have prayed for you and for our staff, leaders, and volunteers. 

Bromleigh: This summer, I too, have been guided by God’s wisdom, God’s peace, and God’s Spirit during this time away. I pray that you have also been renewed and energized through worship and reflection. I have prayed for you and for the staff, leaders, and volunteers of UCG.

Leader:  We greet you and your family with joy upon your return. We pray that you have enjoyed experiences of grace, laughter, and renewal; individually and together as a family.

Bromleigh:   Thank you for your prayers and blessings. I look forward to the ways God will lead us and guide us in ministry together.

People: We sent you off with our blessing and we now receive you home with love to continue our work together. Amen.

CONGREGATIONAL SINGING – “The Peace of the Earth Be With You”

THE WATERS OF COMMUNITY – Blessing of Gathered Water – The Ministers

READING – United Church of Gainesville Compact, back of bulletin

CLOSING SONG – “Down to the River to Pray” vs. 1,2,5 (brothers, sisters, neighbors)

As I went down to the river to pray, studyin’ about that good old way and who shall wear the starry crown, Good Lord, show me the way.

Oh sisters, let’s go down, let’s go down,

come on down. Oh sisters,

let’s go down, down to the river to pray.

As I went down to the river to pray, studyin’ about that good old way and who shall wear the robe and crown, Good Lord, show me the way.

Oh brothers, let’s go down…

As I went down to the river to pray…

who shall wear the starry crown

Oh neighbors, let’s go down… 

BENEDICTION – Rev. Bromleigh McCleneghan


POSTLUDE – Phillip Herr-Klepacki

Here are our UCG friends celebrating a birthday this week:

August 12
Griffin Adams
Kathryn Rabb
August 13
Margaret Johnston
Janet March
Christoph Seubert
Shirell Hix
Finley Leslie
August 14
Jane Emmeree
Dylan Fitzpatrick
Beth Hinrichs
August 15
Isabel Coutts
Omari Najm-Cary
Johan Telg
August 16
Carl Carter
Finnette FabrickAugust 17
Izzy Wolcott-Durante
Annabel Crater

Today at UCG
Gathering of Waters
9:45 a.m.         Childcare
10 a.m.            Worship Service
10:15 a.m.       Activity Time 
11 a.m.            Fellowship and Beverages 
                        Ask the Leadership
11:30 a.m.       Gathering of Waters “Welcome Home” Reception 
                        Art in the Library Reception       
5 p.m.              Open and Affirming Sunday Social 
6 p.m.              Sacred Sound Symphony
We will have a Back-to-School Blessing during the August 11 service. Receive words of blessing and encouragement from your church family as you start a new school year!


Ask the Leadership The Moderator and other church leaders take turns at the table each Sunday to answer questions and provide updates on UCG activities. You’re welcome to stop by, grab a seat, and get an update on church happenings. Handouts with updates will be available at the table. Email with additional questions.

Art in the Library Reception Please join us in the library after the service on Sunday, August 11 for an Artist Reception. Our newest show includes works by member, Keith Berg.

Gathering of Waters Welcome Home Reception – Please join us in Reimer Hall after today’s service for a Gathering of Waters celebratory Welcome Home Reception. As part of our celebration, we will also honor Rev. Bromleigh’s return from sabbatical.

Open and Affirming Sunday Social – UCG’s Open and Affirming Committee (ONA) is launching a new monthly social gathering the second Sunday of the month called the “Open and Affirming Sunday Social.” Come get to know members of UCG in a fun and inclusive environment, hosted by ONA. Our second Sunday Social will be dinner on August 11 at 5 p.m. at the 4th Ave Food Park (409 SW 4th Ave, Gainesville, FL 32601). This event will be family friendly, so bring the kids (and the kids at heart)! Please contact Brandon Telg with any questions.

Capital Campaign Feasibility Study Update: One of the important findings of this spring’s Capital Campaign Feasibility Study was that congregants needed to learn more about the projects on the “Essential Repairs and Improvements” list, what they entailed, why they were necessary, and so on. As part of the effort to address this need, the UCG Capital Campaign Visioning Committee and the Buildings and Grounds Committee are assembling a series of short videos to describe projects on the “Essential Repairs and Improvements” list. Two new videos have been added: West Bathrooms and HVAC, in addition to the first two videos about water supply and the beam that separates Reimer Hall from the West Wing. The videos will be available on this YouTube playlist: Please send any questions or comments about the projects, and about the effectiveness of these videos, to either Tim Martin or Erick Smith.

Next Sunday, August 18
Time and Talent Sunday
9:45 a.m.         Childcare
10:00 a.m.       Worship Service Rev. Talia Raymond
                        Friendship Group
10:15 a.m.       Activity Time
11:00 a.m.       Fellowship and Beverages
                        Ask the Leadership
                        Time and Talent Fair
The Friendship Group will meet Sunday, August 18 at 10 a.m. in the West Wing. We will be putting together scrapbooks, so we remind everyone to bring a collection of photographs of things to be remembered. Blank booklets will be provided. Looking forward to getting together again!
Time and Talent Fair Sunday, August 18, 11 a.m. – 12 p.m.  We are so fortunate at UCG to have significant participation on our boards and committees! Each year, we host a Time and Talent Fair in late summer to recruit new board and committee members to join our important work. Please visit the tables in the courtyard to learn about the boards and committees, have a snack, and sign-up to join!
Looking Ahead


Pathfinders subcommittee report available August 22 The Pathfinders subcommittee has completed their extensive work and will share the report via email on August 22. The report is over 70 pages long and contains critical information about their process, documents reviewed, summary of truths identified, and detailed recommendations. Everyone is encouraged to read the report in full in order to have a productive conversation about its contents. 

Save the Date – Special Congregational Meeting September 8 at 11:30 a.m. We will have a congregational meeting after the service to discuss the Pathfinders subcommittee report. All are encouraged to attend in–person or via Zoom. There will be opportunities prior to the meeting to discuss the report in small groups and to ask clarifying questions. Please stay tuned to your email, the bulletin, visit the leadership table, or check the board outside Seminar B for more information.

Are you interested in helping Yes on 4 get reproductive freedom passed in Florida in November?  UCG member, Peggy Bowie invites you to attend the next Super Saturday on August 24 at How Bazar, 60 SW 2nd St, 10 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Attending will get you plugged in with local organizers and trained on how to talk to Florida voters about the importance of voting yes on 4. This may involve door knocking, canvassing, and/or telephone banks. Learn more at View upcoming events and register for Super Saturdays at

Climate Book Discussion GroupSeptember 9, from 6 – 7 p.m. at The Lynx Bookstore, we will be discussing The Heat Will Kill You First by Jeff Goodall. There will be another event on September 28 at GFAA where the author will speak and do book signing. The book is available at The Lynx and other local bookstores. Discussion will be led by Allan March and Jackie Davis. This book discussion is sponsored by Creation Justice Committee of UCG, GFAA, and The Lynx Bookstore. Learn more at this link:

Banned Book Event – Banned Book Week is September 23–28. UCG will kick–off Banned Book Week on Sunday, September 22 with our Banned Book Event in the library after service.

Florida Friendly Landscaping – As part of Art Walk, GFAA will be hosting this event September 27. There will be a free tree give away, tabling with Florida Friendly plants for purchase as well as information about Florida friendly landscaping, composting, and tree planting. Enjoy a tree planting demonstration and panel discussion. This event is sponsored by Creation Justice Committee of UCG, GFAA, Grow Hub, IFAS Master Gardeners, and the City of Gainesville. Time TBA.