United Church of Gainesville
The World According to Second City TV
Sunday, August 20, 2023 – 10 a.m.Our live stream begins at 10:00 a.m. Click here to join.

“Bring a brick, not a cathedral.”  A classic mantra of inprov

WELCOME & PRAYERS – Rev. Bromleigh McCleneghan


PRELUDE – “Out of Nowhere” by Johnny Green, offered by The Jazz Bandits: Kali Blount on vocals, Jackie Davis on bass, Mary Fukuyama (the one-armed bandit) on melodica and harmonica, Ed Haukland on drums, Larry Reimer on trumpet, Myles Sullivan on guitar, and Shireen Taha on saxophone.

AN INVITATION – ” Improvisation”
To improvise, first let your fingers stray
across the keys like travelers in snow:
each time you start, expect to lose your way.

You’ll find no staff to lean on, none to play
among the drifts the wind has left in rows.
To improvise, first let your fingers stray

beyond the path. Give up the need to say
which way is right, or what the dark stones show;
they will show nothing till you lose your way.

And what the stillness keeps, do not betray;
the one who listens is the one who knows.
To improvise, let all your fingers stray;

out over emptiness is where things weigh
the least. Go there, believe a current flows
each time you start: expect to lose your way.

Risk is the pilgrimage that cannot stay;
the keys grow silent in their smooth repose.
To improvise, first let your fingers stray.
Each time you start, expect to lose – Jared Carter

*HYMN – “Glory, Glory Hallelujah” – vs. 1-3, 6

TIME WITH CHILDREN – “The Book with No Pictures” by B.J. Novak, offered by Elise and Addyson Lee


INTERLUDE – Phillip Herr-Klepacki 

SOME HISTORY OF IMPROV – Briana Raymond Tierno


SPECIAL MUSIC AND OFFERING – “Mumbles” by Clark Terry, offered by The Jazz Bandits

Your gifts support all facets of the UCG community. You can also give online: bit.ly/ucgplate.

SCRIPTURE READING – from 1 Corinthians 12

“Indeed, the body does not consist of one member but of many . . . The eye cannot say to the hand, ‘I have no need of you,’ nor again the head to the feet, ‘I have no need of you.’ If one member suffers, all suffer together with it; if one member is honored, all rejoice together with it.”

LIVING TEXT – “Dr. Know-It-All”    

SCRIPTURE LESSON – from 1 Corinthians 13

“For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then we will see face to face. Now I know only in part; then I will know fully, even as I have been fully known. And now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; and the greatest of these is love.”

LIVING TEXT – “Genre Fiction”

SERMON – “A Foot Off the Ground,” Rev. Bromleigh McCleneghan

CLOSING SONG – “I’m Gonna Live So God Can Use Me,” African American spiritual

I’m gonna live so God can use me, anywhere, Lord, anytime.
I’m gonna live so God can use me, anywhere, Lord, anytime.

I’m gonna work so . . .

I’m gonna laugh so . . .



POSTLUDE – “Watermelon Man” by Herbie Hancock, offered by The Jazz Bandits 

Leading us today in worship is Briana Raymond Tierno. Ms. Tierno has a BA in Theatre Arts and is a Doctor of Medical Humanities candidate at Drew University. She has experience as a theatrical performer and is the Learning and Development Facilitator at the University of South Florida Department of Experiential Learning and Simulation where she is responsible for training Standardized Patients in interpersonal communication skills, providing safe and effective feedback, and portrayal skills. She began providing Med Improv workshops for USF Health in 2015 and now hosts workshops for multiple learner groups from pre-med to medical faculty. She is a founding member of the Medical Improv Collaborative (MIC), which is an active resource group for professionals in the healthcare field who are incorporating medical improv in their work and teaching.

Here are our UCG friends celebrating a birthday this week!


von Zabern



von Zabern



































 Today at UCG

9:45 a.m.               Childcare
10:00 a.m.             Worship – Rev. Bromleigh McCleneghan
                               Friendship Group – West Wing
10:15 a.m.            United Tribes – Education Wing
11:00 a.m.            Fellowship and Beverages  Courtyard
11:15 a.m.            Sunday Seminar – Reimer Hall and Zoom
                               Visitor’s Coffee – Library
                               Youth United & Middle School Together ­– Youth Room

Sunday Seminar – Transition Team Seminar – Join the Transition Team for the third in our seminar series. This will be a more focused discussion of the choices ahead with specific financial and programmatic considerations. Additional opportunities for feedback and discussion include the Transition Team Survey and upcoming listening sessions. Join us in person or via Zoom. Meeting ID: 829 6457 0385 Passcode: 1624

Visitors’ Coffee today at 11:15 a.m. in the library – If you’ve been visiting UCG and would like to learn more about the church, please join us at a visitors’ coffee, where Rev. Bromleigh and members of the Board of Membership will be available to answer questions you may have.

The Time and Talent Fair was last Sunday!  We are so fortunate at UCG to have significant participation on our boards and committees! It’s not too late to join a board or committee, please sign up on the bulletin board in the courtyard.

The Transition Team is trying multiple ways to make sure everyone feels heard during this time of transition. We value all opinions – even if you’re new to UCG, don’t attend often, or haven’t returned to your pre-pandemic levels of involvement. Please use this link to participate in the team’s survey: https://bit.ly/ttsurvey23. We will also have tablets and paper copies available during Time and Talent.

Save the date for Patticakes Potluck! – Patticakes is a group for UCG member and visitor families with small children, from infants through first grade, as well as their siblings. Join us Sunday, August 27, 4-6 p.m. at Amanda and Michael Tudeen’s Treehouse. Let’s hang out, get to know one another, and deepen our community. Please bring a finger food appetizer, an easily shareable dish, or a beverage. We will have snacks and drinks for the kids.

UCG YA (Young Adult) Lunch group starts August 27 after the 10 a.m. worship service. Meet at the fountain at 11 a.m. All young adults are always welcome to attend, bring friends, and enjoy free lunch with us at an eatery near the church. If you have never been to YA, this is a great time to join us! Future lunch dates are 8/27, 9/10, 9/24, 10/29, and 11/5. You do not need to be a UCG member, and you are welcome to attend once, each time, or whenever you’re in Gainesville and it fits your schedule.

The next Supper Club will be Friday, September 22 at 7 p.m. and will feature a chicken entree. We meet in groups of 8-10 in the homes of participants. Recipes are provided so that each group shares the same menu. Since we meet on Fridays in the fall to avoid football games, working people will be assigned easy or make-ahead recipes. Please contact Anne Casella (annecasella@gmail.com, 352-256-5960) or Kimberly McCollough (kmcollough224@gmail.com, 352-378-8371) if you would like to participate. If you are able to host one of the groups, please let them know. The deadline to sign up is Sunday, September 5.

We will be offering the Our Whole Lives comprehensive sexuality curriculum this fall for those in fourth through sixth grades. A parent information meeting will be held on August 23 at 6 p.m. in Reimer Hall. Please email Rev. Talia to RSVP or request childcare.

Single 10 a.m. Service Continues Through the Fall – We will continue with a single 10 a.m. service through the fall, followed by coffee hour immediately after and seminars starting at 11:15. A congregational decision on whether to continue with one service or return to two will take place at the October 15 congregational meeting.

Come see the new location of the Pride Community Center at 3850 NW 83 Street, Unit 201 (accessible second floor)! The Progressive Collective invites the community on Saturday, August 26, 4-7 p.m. to join their open house. Hosted by founding members of Gainesville Community Counseling Center, Pride Community Center of North Central Florida, and Unspoken Treasure Society. Come learn about their work, support their partners, and find ways to get involved. Enjoy light hors d’oeuvres, beer/wine/soft drinks, and special entertainment, including some of our legendary local drag talent, throughout the evening.

UCG Goes to the Beach!  Saturday, September 2, all day, at Anastasia State Park in St. Augustine. Come spend the day playing in the sand and surf with your UCG friends. RSVP: https://bit.ly/UCGbeach23.

Next Sunday, August 27

9:45 a.m.       Childcare
10:00 a.m.     Worship – “The Gospel According to Metal” – Rev. Chad McGinnis
10:15 a.m.     United Tribes
11:00 a.m.     Fellowship and Beverages
                      Puzzle Exchange
11:15 a.m.     Sunday Seminar
Young Adult Lunch
Youth United & Middle School Together

4:00 p.m.       Patticakes Potluck