Spirituality, However Known
Sunday, August 4, 2024 – 10 a.m.

Our livestream begins here at 10 a.m.

”We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.” ― Pierre Teilhard de Chardin


UCG STORY CORPS – Beth Hinrichs and John Jopling

PRELUDE – offered by Laurie Alsobrook and Jean Cunningham, dulcimer

CALL TO WORSHIP – adapted from the Summer of Congregational Renewal Committee’s guiding language

One: This summer, we have reflected on “Spirituality, However Known,” weaving together threads of experience and knowing.

ALL:   We considered the source of our values, which guides our choices and the allocation of our precious resources.

One: We affirmed that “Our life isn’t busy work;” we strive to make meaning by paying attention to what happens within us and around us.

ALL: We have had experiences of awe and wonder where time has been set apart in this sacred space to transcend to a reality beyond ourselves.

One: We are becoming, living into who we are as we grow along our spiritual path as a community together.

ALL: We have connected to one another, to ourselves, and to the world as we built up our beloved community through experiences of learning, creating, playing, listening, and being heard.

One: May we treasure the gifts of this summer of renewal, as our spirituality continues to be known and grown in us.

ALL: Amen.

OPENING HYMN – “Joyful, Joyful, We Adore You”

TIME WITH CHILDREN AND BIRTHDAYS – “Me, Orange” written and shared by Finnette Williams Fabrick


INTERLUDE Children 3 years – 5th grade may leave for Activity Time in the children’s wing. Our nursery for babies and toddlers and child care for older children are available until 12:30pm. Parents who wish to keep their small children with them are encouraged to use the parents’ room in the back of the Sanctuary.

SPECIAL MUSIC AND OFFERING: “Teach Your Children” written by Graham Nash, offered by Harmony Faire: Mary Caraher, Sue Hartman, and Susan Kirkland  

Your gifts support all facets of the UCG community. You can also give online: bit.ly/ucgplate.


MEDITATIVE MUSIC offered by Mark Burlingame, hand pan and Cindy Martin, flute

READING:  “Messenger” by Mary Oliver, read by Helda Montero, chair of the Summer Congregational Renewal Committee

SPECIAL MUSIC – “Gently Lead Me” by The Carter Family, offered by Harmony Faire

READING: Galatians 5

SERMON: “Spirituality as I Know It” – Rev. Talia Raymond

CLOSING HYMN –  “Every Time I Feel the Spirit” 




 Here are our UCG friends celebrating a birthday this week:

August 4
Bill Zegel
August 5
Michelle Myers
Sharon Schreiber

August 6
Melanie Cake
Heather Dewar

August 7
Reisa George
Catherine Puckett

August 8
Jen Stuart
Coda Montero

August 9
Tom Bergbower
Fletch Crowe
Greg DeLong

August 10
Lucia Nelson
Armani Conrad

Today at UCG
Food First Sunday
9:45 a.m.         Childcare
10:00 a.m.       Worship Service
10:15 a.m.       Activity Time 
11:00 a.m.       Fellowship and Beverages 
                       Ask the Leadership
11:30 a.m.      Sunday Seminar – UCG Story Corps Premiere 


Food First Sunday Please place your non-perishable donations in the cart provided to support the Gainesville Community Ministry’s food bank.  From January through July 2024, UCG’s congregation has donated over 1 ton (2,044 pounds) of food to Gainesville Community Ministry’s (GCM) Food Pantry! Thank You for your generous support for those in our community facing hunger.  If you forget to bring your donations or prefer to donate online, click here.

Sunday Seminar    Head over to Reimer Hall for a premiere of “UCG Story Corps.” We will show all of our wonderful storytellers’ interviews that were not shown in worship. Popcorn, cookies, and drinks provided!

Ask the Leadership The Moderator and other church leaders take turns at the table each Sunday to answer questions and provide updates on UCG activities. You’re welcome to stop by, grab a seat, and get an update on church happenings. Handouts with updates will be available at the table. Email moderator@ucgainesville.org with additional questions.

Capital Campaign Feasibility Study Update: One of the important findings of this spring’s Capital Campaign Feasibility Study was that congregants needed to learn more about the projects on the “Essential Repairs and Improvements” list, what they entailed, why they were necessary, and so on. As part of the effort to address this need, the UCG Capital Campaign Visioning Committee and the Buildings and Grounds Committee are assembling a series of short videos to describe projects on the “Essential Repairs and Improvements” list. Two new videos have been added this week: West Bathrooms and HVAC, in addition to the first two videos about water supply and the beam that separates Reimer Hall from the West Wing. The videos will be available on this YouTube playlist: https://tinyurl.com/UCGProjects. The first two videos cover the church water supply, and the beam that separates Reimer Hall from the West Wing. Please send any questions or comments about the projects, and about the effectiveness of these videos, to either Tim Martin or Erick Smith.

Next Sunday, August 11
Gathering of Waters
9:45 a.m.          Childcare
10:00 a.m.        Worship Service Revs. Bromleigh McCleneghan
and Talia Raymond
10:15 a.m.        Activity Time
11:00 a.m.        Fellowship and Beverages
                         Ask the Leadership
11:30 a.m.        Art in the Library Reception
                         Gathering of Waters “Welcome Home” Reception
5:00 p.m.         Open and Affirming Sunday Social

A Reminder to bring your gathered water to service on Sunday, August 11. We will celebrate our reconnection from our summer journeys, however known. You are invited to bring some water that is sacred to you to add to our communal vessel. These can be waters of peace, waters of hope, waters of homecoming, or waters of healing, and each person or family is invited to share where their waters are from and what they represent to you. We will combine the gathered waters into one sacred water to use for baptisms and blessing rituals in the coming year. Following this beloved service, stay for a Gathering of Waters celebratory “Welcome Home” Reception. Please bring a finger food dish to share and leave in the kitchen ahead of the service. The church will provide beverages and a dessert option. As part of our celebration, we will also honor Rev. Bromleigh’s return from sabbatical.

We will have a Back-to-School Blessing during the August 11 service. Receive words of blessing and encouragement from your church family as you start a new school year!

Looking Ahead
Art in the Library Reception Please join us in the library after the service on Sunday, August 11 for an Artist Reception. Our newest show includes works by member, Keith Berg.

Open and Affirming Sunday Social – UCG’s Open and Affirming Committee (ONA) is launching a new monthly social gathering the second Sunday of the month called the “Open and Affirming Sunday Social.” Come get to know members of UCG in a fun and inclusive environment, hosted by ONA. Our second Sunday Social will be dinner on August 11 at 5 p.m. at the 4th Ave Food Park (409 SW 4th Ave, Gainesville, FL 32601). This event will be family friendly, so bring the kids (and the kids at heart)! Please contact Brandon Telg with any questions.

Time and Talent Fair Sunday, August 18, 11 a.m. – 12 p.m.  We are so fortunate at UCG to have significant participation on our boards and committees! Each year, we host a Time and Talent Fair in late summer to recruit new board and committee members to join our important work. Please visit the tables in the courtyard to learn about the boards and committees, have a snack, and sign-up to join!