United Church of Gainesville
Sunday, December 15, 2024 – 10 a.m.
Third Sunday of Advent: Joy

Our livestream begins here at 10 a.m.

Joy is the moments — for me, the moments when my alienation from people —
but not just people, from the whole thing — it goes away, and it shrinks.”
– Ross Gay

WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS – Rev. Bromleigh McCleneghan

PRELUDE – “Away in a Manger” – offered by the United Church of Gainesville Friendship Group
“Christmas Carol Sing-Along” with the All-Church Band, directed by Larry Reimer

CALL TO WORSHIP – From “Mothers” by Nikki Giovanni – led by Elizabeth McCulloch

i remember the first time
i consciously saw her
…that night i stumbled into the kitchen
maybe because i’ve always been
a night person or perhaps because i had wet
the bed
she was sitting on a chair
…i’m sure i just hung there by the door
i remember thinking: what a beautiful lady
…she was very deliberately waiting
perhaps for my father to come home
from his night job or maybe for a dream
that had promised to come by
“come here” she said “i’ll teach you
a poem: i see the moon
the moon sees me
god bless the moon
and god bless me”i taught it to my son
who recited it for her
just to say we must learn
to bear the pleasures
as we have borne the pains.

OPENING HYMN – “We Hail You God’s Anointed”


TIME WITH CHILDREN AND BIRTHDAYS – images from The Nativity by Julie Vivas offered by Rev. Bromleigh McCleneghan

Your gifts support all facets of the UCG community. You can also give online: bit.ly/ucgplate.

PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE – Rev. Talia RaymondMUSIC FOR MEDITATION “I Wonder as I Wander” traditional, arranged by Shirell Hix offered by Mary Fukuyama, native flute, and Shirell Hix, piano

READING – “Don’t Hesitate” by Mary Oliver – read by Rev. Talia Raymond

If you suddenly and unexpectedly feel joy,
don’t hesitate. Give in to it. There are plenty
of lives and whole towns destroyed or about
to be. We are not wise, and not very often
kind. And much can never be redeemed.
Still, life has some possibility left. Perhaps this
is its way of fighting back, that sometimes
something happens better than all the riches
or power in the world. It could be anything,
but very likely you notice it in the instant
when love begins. Anyway, that’s often the
case. Anyway, whatever it is, don’t be afraid
of its plenty. Joy is not made to be a crumb.

SCRIPTURE – a modern interpretation of Luke 1:47-55 by Rev. M. Jade Kaiser read by Jenny Hill

My soul is alive with thoughts of God.
What a wonder, Their liberating works.
Though the world has been harsh to me,
God has shown me kindness,
seen my worth,
and called me to courage.
Surely, those who come after me will call me blessed.
Even when my heart weighs heavy with grief,
still, so does hope abide with me.
Holy is the One who makes it so.
From generation to generation,
Love’s Mercy is freely handed out;
None are beyond the borders of
God’s transforming compassion.
The power of God is revealed
among those who labor for justice.
They humble the arrogant.
They turn unjust thrones into dust.
Their Wisdom is revealed in
the lives and truths of those on the edges of power.
God is a feast for the hungry.
God is the great re-distributor of wealth and resources.
God is the ceasing of excessive and destructive production
that all the earth might rest.
Through exiles and enslavement,
famines and wars,
white supremacy and climate crises,
God is a companion in loss,
a deliverer from evil,
a lover whose touch restores.
This is the promise They made
to my ancestors,
to me,
to all the creatures and creations,
now and yet coming,
and in this promise,
I find my strength.
Come, Great Healer,
and be birthed through us.
SERMON – “Inciting Joy” – Rev. Bromleigh McCleneghan


CLOSING HYMN – “With Joy Draw Water”

BENEDICTION – Rev. Bromleigh McCleneghan

BENEDICTION RESPONSE – “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel”

O come, O Dayspring, come and cheer
Our spirits by your advent here;
Love stir within the womb of night
And death’s own shadows put to flight
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
is come to birth,
where all God’s children dwell.


Here are our UCG friends celebrating a birthday this week:

December 15
Karen Brown
December 16

Ellery Burgess
Dick Elkins
Jim McClave
Cathy Owen
Lee McNamara

December 18
Tenley Hemmerich-Sullivan

December 19
Janie Nall

December 21
Mark Burlingame
Stephanie Escue-Milch
Susan James
Abby Dreher

Today at UCG
Third Sunday of Advent “Joy”
9:15 a.m.      All Church Band Rehearsal – Sanctuary
9:30 a.m.      Friendship Group Rehearsal – seminar B
9:45 a.m.      Childcare – children’s wing
10 a.m.         Worship Service – Sanctuary
10:15 a.m.    Kids United – children’s wing
                     Friendship Group Christmas Celebration – west wing
11 a.m.        Youth United Chili Fundraiser – Reimer Hall
Soul Food Enlistment Update. As of Wednesday, we have received 260 pledges totalling $794,879. We are very close, but, we are more than $50,000 short of our campaign goal of $850,000. It is critical that all UCG families / pledging units submit a pledge card so that Board of Business can plan for next year’s budget. Even if your pantry is bare this year and you are able to pledge zero dollars at this time, we would like you to submit a pledge card so we know where the church budget stands for next year. To pledge, you can visit the web portal at https://bit.ly/UCGpledge2025, turn in a physical pledge card, or email Catherine Cake at catherinec@ucgainesville.orgUCG member Catherine Berg has gifted us a set of books of North Florida Haiku as thanks for this year’s pledgers.  Pick up your copy from an enlistment committee member in the courtyard after church.


Youth United Annual Chili Lunch. Join us at the annual chili lunch fundraiser to help support our UCG youth’s summer Work Tour today, 11 a.m.-12:45 p.m. in Reimer Hall. The cost is $7 for adults (16 and older), $5 for children ages 3 -15, and free for ages 2 and under. You may make a donation or buy tickets online. Cornbread, brats, dogs (meat-eater and vegan-friendly), and desserts included. You will also have the opportunity to purchase raffle tickets for amazing themed baskets and artwork curated and donated by our wonderful Boards and Committees. The cost of the tickets will be: $2 for one, $5 for 3, $10 for 8, or $20 for 20! 

Next Sunday, December 22
Fourth Sunday of Advent “Love”

9:45 a.m.      Childcare
                     Puzzler Exchange
10 a.m.         Worship Service:
                     Children’s Christmas Pageant and
Liturgy for Rev. Bromleigh McCleneghan

11:30 a.m.    Farewell Luncheon for Rev. Bromleigh McCleneghan
2 p.m.          Christmas Carol Sing-Along
4 p.m.          Cookie Exchange Small Group
5:30 p.m.     Youth United and Middle School Together Christmas Party

This service includes the Children’s Christmas Pageant and special liturgy for Rev. Bromleigh McCleneghan.

Join us after the service from 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. in Reimer Hall for a farewell lunch and fellowship for Rev. Bromleigh McCleneghan and family on her last Sunday at United Church of Gainesville as Coordinating Minister.

Christmas Carol Sing-Along. Sunday, December 22 at 2 p.m. in the west wing. Harmony Fare will lead us to sing some of your favorite carols. Song sheets will be provided. This event is a Small Group, but all are welcome – we need to know who plans on attending so we can have enough song sheets for everyone – if you were not able to sign up but would like to participate, please email Sally Simonis.

Our annual Youth Holiday Party and White Elephant Gift Exchange will take place December 22 at 5:30 p.m. Dinner and treats will be provided. Look for additional details and RSVP in your weekly youth email. For more information, email Tami Herchel.

Looking Ahead

The Blue Christmas Service will be on Wednesday, December 18 at 7 p.m. A service of grief, loss, reflection, and quiet hope. There will be a light reception following the service. All are welcome. Childcare is provided.

December 24 Christmas Eve services. All services conclude with the candlelit singing of “Silent Night” in the courtyard.
4:30 p.m. Interactive family service.
8 p.m. Special music and sermon.
11 p.m. Candles and carols.

Every December we send cards and letters for Ray Meeks, United Church of Gainesville member who was on death row for 42 years when his sentence was commuted to life in prison. Please drop off letters or cards at the church office, they will be scanned and sent to Ray.

The next Food First Sunday is January 5. Please bring your non-perishable donations. Thank you United Church of Gainesville! In 2024, our generous congregation donated almost 2 tons (1,911 pounds) of non-perishable food items for the Gainesville Community Ministry Food Pantry and we gave $5,018 for them to purchase food items the pantry especially needs. Your ongoing compassionate support makes a difference in the lives of many in our community who face the challenge of hunger in their lives.

January 31- February 2: Please mark your calendar to join us for the annual Women’s Overnight 2025! Our extravagantly planned weekend includes sessions at UCG on Friday (day) for anyone not available to get away, as well as the weekend at Camp Weed in Live Oak (you’re welcome to join us for all). Exciting details to follow in the January newsletter. Online registration starts January 3see us in Seminar C in between services on Sunday, January 5 and Sunday, January 12 for questions or to register!