The United Church of Gainesville
Sunday, February 5, 2023 – 9:15 am
Taking Flight

Our live stream begins at 9:15am. Click here to join.

“What declaration of possibility can you make that has the power to transform the community and inspire you?”
– Peter Block, from the book, “Community: The Shape of Belonging.”

WELCOME- Rev. Andy Bachmann

PRELUDE- “Rocky Mountain High” by John Denver, offered by Adam Hill

CALL TO WORSHIP- Vicki Evans, Creation Care, Climate Justice Task Force

Leader: Every week, we come together to sing God’s praises.

People: But what can we do to protect the songs of Creation?

Leader: Can the choir become the protectors of birdsong? There are many kinds of music in this world. Is it enough to sing about them as they vanish?

People: If those with beautiful human voices don’t act to protect the voices of the birds and the frogs, who exactly will?

Leader: Can an omnipotent being weep? Can we even begin to imagine the ferocity of divine grief when the last varied thrush vanishes or when the last flecks of colored fish fade from a coral reef?

People: Can there be a dishonoring of God greater than this– to disregard the love of God for the small lives God has shaped with their own hands?

Leader: People of the church know how to spread the word of God. Spread this word–

People: The Earth is God’s creation, and our work in this world is to keep it safe.

-Kathleen Dean Moore, from “Moral Ground: Ethical Action for a Planet in Peril”

OPENING SONG– “To You, O God, All Creatures Sing”




SCRIPTURE- Isaiah 40: 28-31 from the Jewish Study Bible

“Have you not heard? The Lord is God from of old, Creator of the earth from end to end; They never grow faint or weary, Their wisdom cannot be fathomed. They give strength to the weary, Fresh vigor to the spent. Youths may grow faint and weary, and Young men stumble and fall, but they who trust in the Lord shall renew their strength as eagles grow new plumes: They shall run and not grow weary, They shall march and not grow faint.”

SPECIAL MUSIC AND OFFERTORY – “Eagle’s Wings Medley,” words and music by Michael Joncas, Horatio Spafford, and Philip P. Biss. Choral setting by John F. Wilson. Offered by the UCG Choir, directed by Phillip Herr-Klepacki.

Your gifts support all facets of the UCG community. You can also give online:

SERMON- “The Wings of Eagles” – Rev. Andy Bachmann


And God will raise you up on eagle’s wings,
bear you on the breath of dawn,
make you to shine like the sun,
and hold you in the palm of God’s hand.


CLOSING HYMN- “Creation’s God, We Humbly Pause”

Creation’s God, we humbly pause
To give you thanks for nature’s laws.
The earth our legacy once born
Now suffers sore from human scorn.
Help us, O God, to mend our ways,
To save the earth for future’s days.

When famine stalks the ravished land,
Help us to feel and understand.
‘Mid all our plenty we would share
Of all we have, our love declare.
O grant us wisdom; show the way
To end earth’s hunger in our day.

Grant us, O God, courageous will
To discipline and change instill,
To find the joy of simpler ways,
Enhancing life, while time delays.
Creation’s God, help us renew
The earth, our precious trust from you.




 Here are our UCG friends celebrating a birthday this week!

Happy Birthday!





































Stacy A.







Today at UCG
Food First Sunday

9:00am                        Childcare
                                    LifeSouth Bloodmobile
9:15am & 11:15am      Worship – Rev. Andy Bachmann
9:30am                       United Tribes Time – Education Wing
10:15am                     Fellowship & Beverages – Courtyard
                                   YU & MST – Youth Room
10:30am                    Sunday Seminar – Reimer Hall
                                   SG – Prepared for Departure* – West Wing   
12:15pm                    Young Adult Lunch – meet at the Fountain
2:00pm                       OWL Session* – West Wing 

*Pre-registered group 

Sunday Seminar – “What IS a Chaplain?”- UCG Member, Ellen Ribe. will talk about what a chaplain does, how it is different from parish ministry…and some of the highlights she’s encountered over the years. Join us in Reimer Hall or on Zoom. Meeting ID: 829 6457 0385 Passcode: 1624Food First is TODAY. THANK YOU for your monthly donations to the Gainesville Community Ministry’s Food Bank. We started off the year with the congregation generously giving 300 pounds of nonperishable food.

LifeSouth Bloodmobile is here TODAY from 9am – 1pm. Each donor will receive a $25 e-gift card. Please give the gift of life. Thank you!

We are seeking submissions for this year’s Lenten devotional booklet! If you would like to submit a piece of art, original writing, or a favorite reading to honor the Lenten season, we would love to hear from you. Please email your submissions to Taylor Williams at For written word, please submit it in the body of your email or as a word document. Please send all pictures and art pieces in a JPEG format. The deadline for submissions is Sunday, February 12. This year’s Lenten theme is “The Work of the People.”

UCG Lost & Found – Think you lost or left something at UCG? Please stop by our lost & found table in the courtyard between services today and next Sunday, February 12. All remaining items will be donated to Haven Hospice.

CIA Committee invites you to provide items for the “Gift Bags for the Homeless” project. There is a list of requested items here. Please bring donations during church services on Sunday, February 12, or 19th. For early donations during the week of February 12th, Seminar B will be open Monday – Friday from 9am-4:30pm. Volunteers will transfer your donations to colorful handmade cloth bags that will be delivered to our neighbors at GRACE Marketplace and St. Francis House. Thank you!

Parents’ Night Out – Friday, February 10 at 5:30pm at UCG – Children, infants through 5th grade are invited for a night of pizza and fun. $15 for the first child/$10 for each additional child. RSVP by Wednesday, Feb. 8 to

Next Sunday, February 12
Spring Small Group Registration Begins!

9:00am                        Childcare
                                    Gift Bags for the Homeless Project Collection
9:15am & 11:15am      Worship – Rev. Bromleigh McCleneghan
9:30am                       United Tribes Time
10:15am                      Fellowship & Beverages
                                    Common Threaders
                                    Women’s Retreat Registration
10:30am                     Sunday Seminar                                        
2:00pm                        OWL Session*
5:30pm                       YU & MST 2nd Sundays
6:00pm                        Sacred Sound Symphony*Pre-registered groupUCG Supper Club – The next Supper Club will be Saturday, February 25 at 6:30 pm and will feature a chicken entree. Please contact Anne Casella (, 256-5960) or Kimberly McCollough (, 378-8371) if you would like to participate. If you are able to host one of the groups, please let them know. The deadline to sign up is NEXT Sunday, February 12.Save the Date for AWE: A Women’s Experience, a day-long retreat at UCG on Saturday, February 25. Cost and registration details to follow shortly. Contact Bromleigh at for more information or if you’d like to help.If you are so inclined, the Creation Care, Climate Justice Task Force invites you to write the City Commission Urging them to Discontinue Natural Gas Rebates: Later this month the Gainesville City Commission will be voting about whether or not to discontinue current rebates given for creating new natural gas customers. Please stop by the Creation Care and Climate Justice Task Force table in the courtyard during coffee time to get more information about this important issue. Here is a template letter you may use.Common Threaders will meet at 10:15 (between the services) on Sunday, February 12.  Please bring any type of stitching, knitting, etc.., or just join us for some coffee and conversation.  Everyone is welcome, you do not need to have signed up for the small group.