United Church of Gainesville
Epiphany Sunday
Sunday, January 5, 2025 – 10 a.m.

Our livestream begins here at 10 a.m.

“The path to love and peace my friends, by following its light.” – Pete Seeger, “Star Carol”

PRELUDE – Phillip Herr-Klepacki

CALL TO WORSHIP – “Daily Briefing” by Rev. Laura Martin

One: What do you need to know today?

ALL: That every day the way of loving
the real and the changing,
the fleeting and the forever
is given into [our] hands.

One: Choose what comes singing,
Crossing unlikely places to reach you.

ALL: Choose the way shared by magi and shepherds
and the ones not named out loud,
who moved when it was dark and early
and ensured that the world continued.

One: Choose what sustains creation–

ALL: the holy and quiet work of
plant, harvest, repair, renew.

One: The holy and quiet commitment of
wash, chop, clean, rest.

ALL:  Into [our] hands today is given
all of this,
born of ordinary and
Incomparable Light.

OPENING SONG – “Star Carol” #101 UCG Songbook offered by Adam Hill, guitar and Alan Hill, bass

Twas on a night like this a little
babe was born.
The shepherds gathered round to
guard him ‘til the dawn.
Above them shone a star,
A star so wondrous bright.
That never once in all these years
have we seen one half so bright.

Shining so brightly
Shining so truly
Guiding our footsteps from afar
it led us through the night.
The path to love and peace my
friends by following its light.

Oh come with us tonight and join
us on our way, for we have found
again that star to guide a better day.
And though throughout the land we
search the skies in vain yet turned our
glance within our hearts we would find that star again.



INTERLUDE – (Children 3 years – 5th grade may leave for Activity Time accompanied by our children’s staff. Our nursery for babies and toddlers and programs for older children are available until 12:30 p.m., as is a caregivers’ room in the back of the Sanctuary.)

SPECIAL MUSIC AND OFFERING – Phillip Herr-Klepacki, piano

Your gifts support all facets of the UCG community. You can also give online: bit.ly/ucgplate. 


MEDITATIVE MUSIC – Offered by Mark Burlingame, chimes and Shirell Hix, flute

READING – “Those Stars That Turn in Us”
 by Jan Richardson — Jennifer Pritchett

I do not know
how to keep it all together
or by what patterns
this world might
finally hold.

What I know is that
our hearts are bigger
than this sky
that wheels above us

and what shines
through all this darkness
shines through us,
setting every shattered thing
into a new constellation

and we can turn
our faces
to that light,
to the grace of
those stars
that turn in us.

Sung Response – “As with Gladness, Those of Old”

As with gladness those of old did the guiding star behold; as with joy they hailed its light, leading onward, beaming bright; so, true Morning Star, may we evermore your splendor see.

SCRIPTURE – John 1: 1-9, 14 – Rev. Talia Raymond

SERMON – “Another Road” – Rev. Talia Raymond

HYMN – “Arise, Your Light is Come” #164 UCC Hymnal

BENEDICTION – “Every Bright Thing” by Jan Richardson

ONE: If I could write this blessing backwards,
I would begin it at the end.
I would start it from that far place where I could show you
every bright thing that lies ahead for you,
radiant in its wholeness and complete in its own joy.

For now, all I can offer
is this blessing that begins here —
in the gap,
in the hollow,
in the hope
that tells us
this is how a blessing becomes;

ALL: This is how a blessing
is made —
from the broken things we travel with from here.


Here are our UCG friends celebrating a birthday this week:
January 5
Joyce K.
Karen N.
Owen G.

January 6
Salam T.

January 7
Peggy B.
Julie T.
Ramona Z.

January 10
Stephen B.
Mary F.

January 11
Emma M.

Today at UCG

Epiphany Sunday and Food First

9:45 a.m.     Childcare – children’s wing
10 a.m.        Worship Service – Rev. Talia Raymond
10:15 a.m.    Kids United Activity Time
11 a.m.         Fellowship and Beverages
11:15 a.m.    Women’s Retreat Registration
Common Threaders 

11:30 a.m.    Visitor’s Coffee 
                    Sunday Seminar
5 p.m.          Youth United and Middle School Together

Want to know what’s going on at United Church of Gainesville this month? Click here for our January 2025 newsletter.

Reminder to check the Lost and Found table outside of the Sanctuary today and next Sunday, January 12. All items left unclaimed will be donated locally.

Visitors’ Coffee is today. If you’ve been visiting UCG and would like to learn more about the church, please join Rev. Talia Raymond and members of the Board of Membership for coffee and conversation in the courtyard following the service.

Sunday Seminar for January 5 – “Artificial Intelligence” with special guest, Erik Deumans in Reimer Hall and on Zoom at 11:30 a.m. A short history of artificial intelligence will be followed by some well-known examples where AI is making headlines. We explain a little how AI works and end with some discussion of stories and movies that depict visions of what the future of AI will bring. Will the AI future be great or scary? Most likely the future will have AI do a bit of both and most of what it will do will just be boring work. Zoom Meeting: 829 6457 0385 Passcode: 1624 Click here for Zoom meeting.

Food First Sunday is today. Thank you for your generous commitment to stocking the Food Pantry at Gainesville Community Ministries with monthly donations. If you forgot to bring your donations or prefer to donate online, go to bit.ly/ciafoodfirst.

Small Groups Submissions begin TODAY! If there is a particular topic or place that you would like to explore, a book you want to discuss, or a skill or hobby you’d like to share, consider submitting a small group at https://bit.ly/SGWinter25. The deadline for submissions is January 19.

The annual Women’s Overnight 2025 is on January 31! Our extravagantly planned weekend includes sessions at UCG on Friday (day) for anyone not available to get away, as well as the weekend at Camp Weed in Live Oak (you’re welcome to join us for all). Registration and information will be in Seminar C after the service today and on Sunday, January 12. Register online here! 

Black History Matters T-shirt Sale! – The UCG Racial Justice Committee will be selling their Black History Matters shirts in the courtyard today and on Sundays, January 12, 19, February 2 and 9. Cost is $20 payable by cash, check, or credit card payments accepted in the front office. Or you can pay online at bit.ly/ucgplate and select Racial Justice from the fund drop down panel.

Next Sunday, January 12

9:45 a.m.     Childcare
10 a.m.        Worship Service – Behavioral Covenant with the Congregational Life Team
10:15 a.m.    Kids United
11 a.m.         Fellowship and Beverages
                    Campus Keepers Sound Room Decluttering
11:15 a.m.    Women’s Retreat Registration
Common Threaders         
11:30 a.m.   Sunday Seminar
                    Youth United and Middle School Together
3 p.m.          Dances of Universal Peace
6 p.m.          Open and Affirming Sunday Social
Sacred Sound Symphony

Kids’ Night Out is January 10, 5:30-9:30 p.m., Education Wing. Infants through 5th grade are invited for a night of activities, crafts, pizza, and a movie. Cost is $20 for the first child, and $15 for siblings. RSVP by noon on January 8 to Julia Crawford.

Campus Keepers – Everything Must Go! Calling musicians, sound techies, engineers, and rockers. Please come to the sound room (off the Sanctuary foyer) after the service on Sunday, January 12 to help declutter.

Racial Justice Committee are looking forward to collaborating with the Alachua County Community Remembrance Project (ACCRP) and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) on a series of lectures about black history in Alachua County, The Other Book: Black History in Alachua County. Each lecture will be held in a different location to contribute to experiential learning the first lecture will be on Saturday, January 11 from 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. at the Harn Museum. For more information, click here.

Join UCG’s Open & Affirming Committee at our next Open & Affirming Sunday Social. Come get to know members of UCG in a fun and inclusive environment, hosted by ONA. We meet up on the Second Sunday of the month in the evening. The next Sunday Social will be on January 12 at 4 p.m. We will be painting pottery at Corks & Colors! Afterwards, anyone who is interested can gather for a bite to eat at Mi Apa.

Save the date for Saturday, January 25 at 9 a.m. – 1:30 p.m for a Convergence Futures Lab. To our United Church of Gainesville visionaries, way makers and beloved members (i.e., all of you!): UCG, in collaboration with Convergence Congregational Consulting, requests your attendance. Please RSVP here. Lunch and childcare will be provided.