United Church of Gainesville

The Work of the People

Sunday, March 19, 2023

Our live stream begins at 9:15am. Click here to join.


“Credo—I believe— best translates “I have given my heart to.”
– Rev. Dr. William Sloan Coffin

“Something in humans in all times and in all places seeks both wholeness and holiness; the prayer of the heart tradition exemplifies that seeking.”
– Greg Cook, “The Jesus Prayer.” Parabola Magazine

During Lent, we invite you to light a candle for someone you wish to hold in prayer. 

WELCOME- (Introit)- Andy Bachmann

PRELUDE- Phillip Herr-Klepacki


Leader: I watch this morning for the light that the darkness has not overcome.

People: I watch for the fire that was in the beginning and that burns still in the brilliance of the rising sun.

Leader: I watch for the glow of life that gleams in the growing earth and that glistens in sea and sky.

People: I watch for your light, O God, in the eyes of every living creature, and in the ever-living flame of my own soul. 

Leader: If the grace of seeing were mine this day I would glimpse you in all that lives.

All: Grant me the grace of seeing this day. Grant me the grace of seeing.                                                                                                              -J. Philip Newell, Celtic Benediction

OPENING SONG- “Here We Are” 
Chorus: Here we are, all together
As we sing our song joyfully.
Here we are, joined together
As we pray we will always be.

Join we now as friends, and celebrate
The community we share, all as one.
Keep the fire burning, kindle it with care,
And we’ll all join in and sing:

Glorify the Lord with all your voices,
Show Him we’re sincere by all our deeds.
Shout the joys of freedom everywhere,
And we’ll all join in and sing:

Happy now are those who do their best
To free the troubled world from all its pain.
Let us join with them to free the troubled world
As we all join in and sing:

Let us make the world an Alleluia
Let us make the world a better place.
Keep a smile handy, lend a helping hand
Let us all join in and sing:



READING and RESPONSIVE PRAYER of Psalm 139- (Kyrie)- offered by Kristin Larsen

Trust in the slow work of God.
Let your ideas and dreams grow and shape themselves
Without undue haste.
Don’t try to force them on,
As though you could be today
What time will make you tomorrow.
Only God can say what this new spirit
Gradually forming in you will be.
Trust that you will know
And become who you are.       – Pierre Teihard de Chardin

Leader: O God, you have searched me and known me.

People: You know when I sit down and when I rise up;

Right (street side): you discern my thoughts from far away.

Left (piano side): Even before a word is on my tongue

Leader: O God, you know it completely. You hem me in, behind and before. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is so high that I cannot attain it.

People: Where can we go from your spirit?

Right: Where can we flee from your presence?

Left: For it was you who formed our innermost parts, knit us together in our mother’s womb.

Leader: I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.

SPECIAL MUSIC AND OFFERING (Gloria)- “The UCG Compact,” set to music. Composed by Zach Neece. Offered by Hannah Norton and Phillip Herr-Klepacki

Your gifts support all facets of the UCG community. You can also give online: bit.ly/ucgplate

READING AND SCRIPTURE (Credo)- Rev. Sandy Reimer

The Compact of the United Church of Gainesville

We join as a spiritual community in this compact:
To worship God, however known.
To welcome into our church those of differing
understanding and theological opinion.
To learn from our religious heritage, yet to
grow by seeking new dimensions of truth.
To follow, even imperfectly, the way of Jesus
in personal involvement with each other.
And strengthened by this bond to act in
Christian concern for the welfare of all people.

Psalm 19:14 – “May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, Lord, my rock and my redeemer.”
Proverbs 4:23- “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from there.”
Matthew 6:21- “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”
Matthew 5:8 – “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.”

SERMON- “Worship/Service,” Andy Bachmann

SUNG RESPONSE- “Pass it On” 

It only takes a spark to get a fire going,
And soon all those around can warm up in its glowing;
That’s how it is with God’s Love,
Once you’ve experienced it,
Your spread the love to everyone
You want to pass it on.

What a wondrous time is spring,
When all the tress are budding
The birds begin to sing, the flowers start their blooming;
That’s how it is with God’s love,
Once you’ve experienced it.
You want to sing, it’s fresh like spring,
You want to pass it on.

I wish for you my friend
This happiness that I’ve found;
You can depend on God
It matters not where you’re bound,
I’ll shout it from the mountain top;
I want my world to know
The Lord of love has come to me
I want to pass it on.

I’ll shout it from the mountain top;
I want my world to know:
The Lord of love has come to me;
I want to pass it on.



SUNG RESPONSE- “Come and Fill (Confitemini Dominio)”

Translation: Come and fill our hearts with your peace. You alone, O Lord, are holy. Come and fill our hearts with your peace. Alleluia.



 Here are our UCG friends celebrating a birthday this week!


























Today at UCG
9:00am                                 Childcare – Education Wing
9:15am & 11:15am              Worship – Sanctuary
9:30am                               United Tribes Time – Education Wing
10:15am                               Fellowship & Beverages – Courtyard
                                            All Church Retreat Registration – Library
10:30am                            Sunday Seminar – See below
12:15pm                              Lively Arts Committee – Seminar B & Zoom

Sunday Seminar – “Senior Living Options in Gainesville” with Star Bradbury – Are you confused about the difference between a life care community like Oak Hammock & The Village in Gainesville? What about facilities like The Windsor or The Atrium? What is Assisted Living anyway, & how different is it from skilled care? Why choose one over the other? What are the costs & what are the admission requirements for all these different communities? Star Bradbury, CEO of Senior Living Strategies Consulting & UCG member will discuss these alternatives & answer your questions. Join us in Reimer Hall or on zoom. Meeting ID: 829 6457 0385 Passcode: 1624

All Church Retreat registration has started and runs through Sunday, March 26. You can register in the office during the week and in the Library TODAY or next Sunday, March 26.

April newsletter deadline is March 22.

Lenten Booklets for daily reading are available in the Foyer with original artwork, music, photos, and writings by UCG members.

Back by popular demand- UCG stainless steel tumblers!  Available in time for our annual All-Church Retreat, UCG tumblers are available for pre-order at bit.ly/tumbler23. Featuring either a teal church logo or rainbow, please indicate on your order!

Noodles & Doodles Fundraiser is next Sunday, March 26 at 5:30pm! This Annual Art Sale and Pasta Dinner Fundraiser supports our Youth United as they prepare for their summer Work Tour. The cost is $10 for adults and $5 for kids; that includes a pasta dinner, salad, and dessert prepared by the youth team (gluten-free and vegan options will be available). A silent auction will run throughout the evening for amazing art, and, during dessert, we will have a live art auction on some very special pieces!  If you have artwork you have made or would simply like to re-home, we are accepting donations in Seminar A until Wednesday, March 22. If you would like to contribute by volunteering or donating pasta sauce, please sign up here.

The Capital Campaign Visioning Task Force is in the process of gathering input from UCG congregants on their hopes & dreams for UCG in the future, to better inform the need & scope of a potential capital campaign. As a first step, the Task Force hosted a Chalk Talk at the February 19 church services, where folks answered four questions. If you were not able to provide input at the February 19 service, we invite you to answer these same questions at the following survey link: bit.ly/CTsurvey23. Contact the front office if you would prefer to have a member of the C.C.V.T.F contact you by phone to provide your input. We would like to have your input by March 26.

The Vinery – We are compiling a small group on ShelbyNext so that we can communicate more easily, sharing resources or ideas, but we are also hoping to gather regularly for a meal and further community building. Our next gathering will be on Tuesday, March 28, from 6-8 pm, with dinner and childcare provided. Contact Rev. Bromleigh for more information, to be added to the e-mail list, or to RSVP for the 28th.

A new way to connect with United Tribes! Join the United Tribes Families Facebook page at bit.ly/TribesFB. Only parents of registered United Tribes children will be admitted to the group. We ask that any pictures including children that are not your own not be taken from the page and shared on social media accounts. Thanks!

Next Sunday, March 26
9:00am                                 Childcare
9:15am & 11:15am              Worship – “Sanctus” – Rev. Talia Raymond
9:30am                              United Tribes Time
10:15am                              Fellowship & Beverages
                                            All Church Retreat Registration
                                            Puzzle Exchange
Noodles & Doodles Art Preview

10:30am                             Sunday Seminar
11:15am                               Friendship Group
12:15pm                               Young Adult Lunch
2:00pm                               OWL Session
5:30pm                                 Noodles & Doodles Work Tour Fundraiser

Climate Movie Night, April 2 at 6pm in Reimer Hall – The Creation Care and Climate Justice Committee and our Youth Group invite you to a screening of the documentary: “The Ants and the Grasshopper,” which follows a Malawian farmer’s efforts to combat the climate crisis using her faith to build connections with American farmers. The Ants & The Grasshopper shows that Black, Indigenous, and other People of Color (BIPOC) folks bear the brunt of the climate crisis, while also holding effective solutions to it. See the trailer here: https://bit.ly/climatemovie42

Interactive Lenten Art –There are stained glass-like art hangings along the Sanctuary’s sides. Each bears a focus word for each Sunday in Lent. We need your help to add color and bring them to life! Each Sunday, a question will appear in the bulletin related to the day’s theme. Please stop at the tables outside the Sanctuary and respond to the question of the day by writing a word, phrase, or drawing on a piece of colored paper. The papers will be added to the week’s artwork colorfully representing “The Work of the People. Is there a phrase, creed, or philosophical snippet that inspires your heart?

Looking Ahead to Holy Week at UCG
Palm/Passion Sunday – April 2 at 9:15 & 11:15 am in the Sanctuary and live-streamed to YouTube.

Maundy Thursday – April 6 at 6:30 pm in the Sanctuary

Good Friday – April 7 at 6:30 pm in the Sanctuary

Easter Sunday – April 9 at 8:00, 9:15, and 11:15 am in the Sanctuary and live-streamed on YouTube.

March 17 COVID Update – According to the CDC, Alachua County residents now have a low risk of serious illness from COVID-19 (the Green Zone). Both new cases and hospital admissions decreased significantly. In the Sanctuary, masks are optional for people with medical risk factors.