United Church of Gainesville
The Work of the People
Sunday, March 26, 2023
Our live stream begins at 9:15am. Click here to join.
“Humans are vulnerable and rely on the kindnesses of the earth and the sun; we exist together in a sacred field of meaning.” – Joy Harjo
WELCOME – Rev. Talia Raymond
OPENING SONG – “Morning Has Broken”
THE SACRED PRACTICE OF HONORING – Connie Caldwell, Creation Care and Climate Justice Committee
SUNG RESPONSE – “One Ohana” Verses 1-2
Here in the garden of creation,
Here is the home of life and love,
Circled ‘round by endless blessings,
Earth below and sky above.
Chorus: All of creation, one ohana,
All of creation sings in you;
Many the voices, one great music,
Part of me and part of you.
We are a part of all creation,
There is a mystery all around.
All the creatures, all that grows here,
Light and darkness, every sound.
THE SACRED PRACTICE OF ADVOCACY – Jim Harper, Open and Affirming Committee
SUNG RESPONSE – “One Ohana” Verses 3-4
Hiding within the seed in winter,
Rising anew in every spring,
Dancing through the hill and forests,
God is alive in everything.
If you would know and love your Maker,
If you would learn the Sacred Way,
Treasure every plant and creature,
Treasure each other every day.
PASTORAL PRAYER – Rev. Andy Bachmann
I am the church, you are the church,
we are the church together.
All of God’s people, all around the world,
Yes, we’re the church together.
The church is not a building,
The church is not a steeple,
The church is not a resting place,
The church is the people.
(repeat first verse)
Your gifts support all facets of the UCG community. You can also give online: bit.ly/ucgplate
SCRIPTURE TEXT: Isaiah 6:1-3
SERMON “Sanctus”- Rev. Talia Raymond
FINAL SONG- “Here I Am, Lord”
I the Lord of snow and rain, I have borne my people’s pain
I have wept for love of them. They turn away, I will break their hearts of stone, Give them hearts for love alone.
I will speak my word to them; Whom shall I send?
I the Lord of wind and flame, I will tend the poor and lame.
I will set a feast for them. My hand will save.
Finest bread I will provide ‘til their hearts be satisfied
I will give my life to them. Whom shall I send?
Many thanks to Diana Tonnessen for the bulletin cover art and to Diana, Susan James, and Andy Bachmann for creating the banners hanging from the rafters of the Sanctuary.
Sebastian |
Seubert |
03/26 |
Eliot |
Mathis |
03/26 |
Elizabeth |
Husband |
03/27 |
Ned |
Stewart |
03/27 |
Leo |
Heil |
03/28 |
Jerry |
Hill |
03/28 |
Lauren |
Hemmerich |
03/28 |
Cynthia |
Lawrence |
03/29 |
Dari |
Smith |
03/29 |
Helen |
Warren |
03/29 |
Larry |
Turner |
03/29 |
Kelly |
Perez |
03/29 |
Mary |
Crummer |
03/30 |
John |
King |
03/30 |
Linda |
Myrick |
03/30 |
Erick |
Smith |
03/31 |
John |
Bollinger |
04/01 |
Bruce |
Stevens |
04/01 |
Adelyn |
Ansley |
04/01 |
9:15am & 11:15am Worship – “Sanctus” – Rev. Talia Raymond
9:30am United Tribes Time
10:15am Fellowship & Beverages
All Church Retreat Registration
Puzzle Exchange
10:30am Sunday Seminar
11:15am Friendship Group
12:15pm Young Adult Lunch
2:00pm OWL Session
5:30pm Noodles & Doodles Work Tour Fundraiser
Sunday Seminar – The “Conversation Project” – The Conversation Project is a public engagement initiative of the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI). Their goal is to help everyone discuss their wishes for health care through the end of life, so those wishes can be understood and respected. As an ER nurse, Jill Ragsdale has seen the problems family members sometimes encounter when a loved one is struck by tragedy and their wishes are not known. Come and learn how to get the conversation started. Join us in Reimer Hall or on zoom. Meeting ID: 829 6457 0385 Passcode: 1624“Odyssey” All Church Retreat, April 14-16 at Warren Willis Camp – LAST CALL TO REGISTER TODAY in the Library from 10:15am-12:30pm.
Lenten Booklets for daily reading are available in the Foyer with original artwork, music, photos, and writings by UCG members.
Back by popular demand- UCG stainless steel tumblers! Available in time for our annual All-Church Retreat, UCG tumblers are available for pre-order at bit.ly/tumbler23. Featuring either a teal church logo or rainbow, please indicate on your order!
Our Annual Noodles & Doodles Fundraiser is TODAY at 5:30pm! This Art Sale and Pasta Dinner Fundraiser supports our Youth United as they prepare for their summer Work Tour. The cost is $10 for adults and $5 for kids; that includes a pasta dinner, salad, and dessert prepared by the youth team (gluten-free and vegan options will be available). A silent auction will run throughout the evening for amazing art, and, during dessert, we will have a live art auction on some very special pieces! Stop by Reimer Hall between the worship services to get a sneak peek!
The Capital Campaign Visioning Task Force is in the process of gathering input from UCG congregants on their hopes & dreams for UCG in the future, to better inform the need & scope of a potential capital campaign. As a first step, the Task Force hosted a Chalk Talk at the Feb. 19 church services, where folks answered four questions. If you were not able to provide input at the Feb. 19 service, we invite you to answer these same questions at the following survey link: bit.ly/CTsurvey23. Contact the front office if you would prefer to have a member of the C.C.V.T.F contact you by phone to provide your input. We would like to have your input by TODAY.
The Vinery – We are compiling a small group on ShelbyNext so that we can communicate more easily, sharing resources or ideas, but we are also hoping to gather regularly for a meal and further community building. Our next gathering will be THIS Tuesday, March 28, from 6-8 pm, with dinner and childcare provided. Contact Rev. Bromleigh for more information, to be added to the e-mail list, or to RSVP for the 28th.
Interactive Lenten Art –There are stained glass-like art hangings along the Sanctuary’s sides. Each bears a focus word for each Sunday in Lent. We need your help to add color and bring them to life! Each Sunday, a question will appear in the bulletin related to the day’s theme. Please stop at the tables outside the Sanctuary and respond to the question of the day by writing a word, phrase, or drawing on a piece of colored paper. The papers will be added to the week’s artwork colorfully representing “The Work of the People.
Palm Sunday & Food First
9:15am & 11:15am Worship – “Angus Dei” – Rev. Andy Bachmann
9:30am United Tribes Time
10:15am Fellowship & Beverages
Youth United & Middle School Together
10:30am Sunday Seminar
12:15pm Young Adult Lunch
2:00pm OWL Session
6:00pm Climate Movie Night: “The Ants and the Grasshopper”
Climate Movie Night, April 2 at 6pm in Reimer Hall – The Creation Care and Climate Justice Committee and our Youth Group invite you to a screening of the documentary: “The Ants and the Grasshopper,” which follows a Malawian farmer’s efforts to combat the climate crisis using her faith to build connections with American farmers. The Ants & The Grasshopper shows that Black, Indigenous, and other People of Color (BIPOC) folks bear the brunt of the climate crisis, while also holding effective solutions to it. See the trailer here: https://bit.ly/climatemovie42.
Food First Sunday is NEXT Sunday, April 2 – THANK YOU for your monthly donations to the Gainesville Community Ministry’s Food Bank. Since January, the congregation has generously given over 1,550 pounds of nonperishable foods!
Looking Ahead to Holy Week at UCG
Palm/Passion Sunday – April 2 at 9:15 & 11:15 am in the Sanctuary and live-streamed to YouTube.
Maundy Thursday – April 6 at 6:30 pm in the Sanctuary
Good Friday – April 7 at 6:30 pm in the Sanctuary
Easter Sunday – April 9 at 8:00 am in the Courtyard, 9:15, and 11:15 am in the Sanctuary and live-streamed on YouTube.
March 24 COVID Update – According to the CDC, Alachua County residents have a low risk of serious illness from COVID-19 (the Green Zone). Although the number of hospital admissions has not changed, new cases and virus levels in the County’s wastewater have both increased. Masks are optional for people with medical risks and but are not required of anyone.