United Church of Gainesville
Sunday, May 12, 2024 – 10 a.m.
Confirmation Sunday
Our livestream begins here at 10 a.m.
“Disco ball pastor, queer a doubting church. Listen for the creative divine.”
– Rev. Britt Cox
PRELUDE – “The Weird Barbie Dancers” As seen in the Flying Pig Parade.
Music: “Dance the Night” by Dua Lipa from the Barbie movie soundtrack. Choreography by Wendie Snow.
Barbies: Weird Barbies: Julie Anspach, Vicki Davis, Terrie Mullin
Pregnant Barbie/Midge: David Dale Minister Barbie: Talia Raymond
Allan: Alex Noon Beach Ken: Shay Smith
Malibu Ken: Sarah Prager Kenough: Hayden Hudleston
WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS – Rev. Bromleigh McCleneghan
OPENING SONG – “Now in the Days of Youth” #350 UCC Hymnal, verses 1 and 4
ALL: God, who fully received these, your beloved, into the church,
and promised them mercy and unconditional love, increase in them the gifts of your Holy Spirit.
Grant them love for others, joy in service, peace in disagreement, patience in suffering, kindness toward all creation, goodness in evil times, faithfulness in temptation, gentleness in the face of opposition, self-knowledge in all things.
Thereby strengthen them for their ministry in the world, knowing always that they have sanctuary here. Amen.
To worship God, however known,
To welcome into our church those of differing
understanding and theological opinion,
To learn from our religious heritage, yet to
grow by seeking new dimensions of truth.
To follow, even imperfectly, the way of Jesus
in personal involvement with each other,
And, strengthened by this bond, to act in
Christian concern for the welfare of all people.”
SPECIAL MUSIC AND OFFERING – “Closer to Fine” by the Indigo Girls.
Offered by Jasmine Angelini-Knoll, Salina Briseno, Hannah Norton, Judy Parsons, and Talia Raymond
Your gifts support all facets of the UCG community. You can also give online: bit.ly/ucgplate.
READING – from the Barbie movie, monologue written by Greta Gerwig and America Ferrera. Offered by Jenny Hill
SCRIPTURE READING – 1 Corinthians 12:4-11 – offered by Max Archer
SERMON – “What Was I Made For?” – Rev. Bromleigh McCleneghan
HYMN – “God of Change and Glory” #177 UCC Hymnal, verses 1 and 2
PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE – Rev. Talia Raymond
SABBATICAL BLESSING for Rev. Bromleigh McCleneghan – led by RD Bonnaghan and Helda Montero, Co-Chairs of Congregation-Ministry Review Board (CMRB)
Leader: Today we give thanks to God for Rev. Bromleigh and ask for God’s blessings as we send her forth on Clergy Renewal Leave.
Rev. Bromleigh: Today I give thanks to God for this congregation and for the gift of this time away.
ALL: This summer, may God dwell with you while we are away from one another. May God’s wisdom, God’s peace, and God’s Spirit guide you during this time away. May you find the needed time and space for a renewal of soul, a refreshed spirit, an energized mind, and a cared-for body.
Rev. Bromleigh: This summer, may God dwell with you while we are away from one another. May God’s wisdom, God’s peace, and God’s Spirit guide you during this time away. May you too be renewed and energized to serve in God’s name.
ALL: We will pray for you and for our staff, leaders, and volunteers.
Rev. Bromleigh: I will pray for you and for the staff, leaders, and volunteers.
Leader: We also remember Rev. Bromleigh’s family and their participation in the life of our church. We pray that God will fill their home with joy, laughter, and prayer, so this might be a time of renewal for each of them individually and together as a family.
ALL: We send you off with our blessing and will greet you with joy when you return.
Rev. Bromleigh: Thank you for your blessing. I look forward to the ways God will lead us and guide us when we continue in ministry together.
CLOSING SONG- “God of Change and Glory” #177 UCC Hymnal, verse 3 (see above)
Our 2024 Confirmation Class and Their Sponsors:
Max Archer Stan Smith
Juniper Barros Elizabeth Husband
Ella Bittikoffer Heidi Stein
Nadal Gutierrez-Hernandez Eric Nelson
Natalia Gutierrez-Hernandez Danielle Nelson
Calliope Hammond Catherine Cake
Cameron Hernandez Jackie Davis and Mary Fukuyama
Anni Maxwell Jennifer Larson
Lucia Nelson Vivian Gutierrez
Elise Telg Meaghan Bonnaghan
Benjamin White Jeremy Archer
Here are our UCG friends celebrating a birthday this week!
Bill |
Hoppe |
05/13 |
Jenny |
Jones |
05/14 |
David |
Evans |
05/15 |
Alexandra Callie Christine |
Ingram Hammond Engels |
05/16 05/17 05/18 |
9 a.m. Youth Choir
10 a.m. Worship Service
10:15 a.m. United Tribes
11 a.m. Fellowship & Beverages
11:15 a.m. Youth Groups
Board of Membership
SG: Common Threaders
11:30 a.m. Sunday Seminar
4:00 p.m. SG: Dances of Universal Peace
6:00 p.m. SG: Sacred Sound Symphony
Sunday Seminar – “Talking About Feasibility.” Members of the UCG Capital Campaign Visioning Committee will share results from the feasibility study carried out by a consultant in March and talk about plans for the summer to continue conversations about the church’s infrastructure future. Join us at 11:30 a.m. in Reimer Hall or via Zoom. Meeting ID: 829 6457 0385 Passcode: 1624
Town Hall Leadership Survey – About 200 people attended the Staffing Town Hall last Sunday. Our next step is to try to capture more of the feelings and concerns that folks have. If you have not already done so, please take the Leadership Survey (bit.ly/UCGSurveyLead) by Wednesday, May 15. The survey asks participants to rate the church and church leadership. We will present a summary of this information at the May 19th Congregational Meeting. Printed copies of the survey are available in the Church Office if you prefer a paper version.
Call to the Spring Congregational Meeting: Check your inbox for the all-church email sent on Thursday. The email contains the agenda and links to important informational items for the Congregational Meeting coming up next Sunday, May 19, at 11:30 a.m. Printed copies of the agenda, the mid-year financial report, the capital campaign feasibility study report, and the 2024-25 Officer and Chair slate will be available at the meeting. To request printed copies of the Annual Report or the winter congregational meeting minutes, please contact the office at info@ucgainesville.org.
Pardon Our Dust! We are all excited that two generous donors, supplemented by our own Board of Business, have provided us with enough money to renovate Seminar A. This is the first step in shuffling our space around, to enhance our storage and meeting spaces. Feel free to take a peek now and then but remember things will look pretty rough on the way to our new and improved spaces. And keep in mind if you need access to your supplies in Seminar A, they will temporarily be stowed in Seminar B. We have several able volunteers providing us with free labor, and we plan to recruit some of our youth for painting and installing flooring. They have experience in both from their Work Trips in the past few years. Finally, we have a professional shelving company lined up to install the finished product. Get ready for a “Reveal” in mid to late June. Thank you Phoebe Papadi, our “Space Cadet”, for all her hard work and creative vision.
Next Sunday, May 19
Graduate Sunday
Spring Congregational Meeting
9 a.m. Youth Choir
10 a.m. Worship Service
10:15 a.m. United Tribes
11 a.m. Fellowship & Beverages
Friendship Group (offsite)
11:30 a.m. Spring Congregational Meeting
Looking Ahead
The newly created position of Director of Communications is now posted on indeed.com. Please share this listing widely with those who may be a good fit for the role – bit.ly/ucgdocpost24.
Camp UCG summer camp July 22 – 26 – Information and registration at bit.ly/campUCG2024.
The Men’s Retreat date has changed: mark your calendars for Nov. 8-10, 2024.