Welcome to Worship

The United Church of Gainesville – November 8, 2020

If you would like to watch the service as a playlist, please click here and you will be directed to our YouTube page. If you prefer, you may click on the individual links below at your own pace.

Welcome, Prayers, and Musical Response

Welcome and Prayers – Rev. Bromleigh McCleneghan

Special Music – Rivers and Roads, by The Head and the Heart, performed by the Bachmann Family Singers ™

A year from now we’ll all be gone
All our friends will move away
And they’re going to better places
But our friends will be gone away

Nothing is as it has been
And I miss your face like Hell
And I guess it’s just as well
But I miss your face like Hell

Been talking ’bout the way things change
And my family lives in a different state
And if you don’t know what to make of this
Then we will not relate
So if you don’t know what to make of this
Then we will not relate

Rivers and roads
Rivers and roads
Rivers ’til I reach you

Time with ChildrenFeaturing Home in the Woods, by Eliza Wheeler – Rev. Talia Raymond

Welcome to United Tribes Worship

Join us for United Tribes Activity Time at 10am! 

Reading, Sermon, and Responsive Song

Reading – Isaiah 65:21-25 – Read by Sanford Berg

They shall build houses and inhabit them; they shall plant vineyards and eat their fruit. They shall not build and another inhabit; they shall not plant and another eat; for like the days of a tree shall the days of my people be, and my chosen shall long enjoy the work of their hands. They shall not labor in vain, or bear children for calamity; for they shall be offspring blessed by the Lord— and their descendants as well. Before they call I will answer, while they are yet speaking I will hear. The wolf and the lamb shall feed together, the lion shall eat straw like the ox; but the serpent—its food shall be dust! They shall not hurt or destroy on all my holy mountain, says the Lord.

Sermon – “Build Houses and Inhabit Them,” Rev. Bromleigh McCleneghan

This is My Song, #591, performed by Tané DeKrey, piano; Mark Burlingame, trumpet; Larry Reimer, flugelhorn

This is my song, O God of all the nations
A song of peace for lands afar and mine
This is my home, the country where my heart is
Here are my hopes and dreams, my holy shrine
But other hearts in other lands are beating
With hopes and dreams as true and high as mine.

My country’s skies are bluer than the ocean
And sunlight beams on clover leaf and pine
But other lands have sunlight, too, and clover
And skies are everywhere as blue as mine
O hear my song, thou God of all the nations
A song of peace for their land and for mine


Here are the UCG friends celebrating a birthday this week.
Happy Birthday!






















Autumn Leora















Sunday Schedule

Join Us!

11:15am – Sunday Seminar Guest speaker Carol Lewis, a clinical psychologist with expertise in trauma and resilience, will speak on “Healing from Political Dis-tress.” The past 4+ years have been a distressing time for many people. In this seminar, just a few days after the election, we’ll talk about how to move forward from “politically-induced anxiety.” We’ll discuss how to reset our minds and bodies in these challenging times, using Resilience Tools including grounding and mindfulness. And we’ll do a mindfulness practice. Click here to join. Meeting ID: 829 6457 0385 Passcode: 1624

Please also join us at 12:30pm for Congregational Coffee Hour. Bromleigh  will be available on our Zoom account to talk and share. She’ll be prepared to talk about the online worship experience, but with no set agenda other than hoping to see your faces and have a chance to touch base. Join here. Meeting ID: 875 0792 2974 Passcode: 1624

UCG Young Adults Sunday Lunch Group 12pm. – Join herePasscode to join the meeting: UCG

Important Announcements

Thanks  to everyone who has already pledged we are so close to our enlistment goal!  If you have not yet pledged, there are several ways you can do so:

  • Use our ShelbyNext website and app to make your pledge. First, if you haven’t logged into your ShelbyNext account, click here for a quick tutorial.  
  • If you’d rather access ShelbyNext from your smartphone, you’ll need to download the app.  Click here for a video to show you how to get the app in the App Store.
  • If you have the app and you are ready to go, click here for a video on how to submit your pledge commitment for 2021.
  • You can also stop by the church office to fill out a paper pledge card. There are blank pledge cards and envelopes in the Suggestion Box next to the church office door. If you are returning a completed card, you can use the black mail box at the corner of the office building closest to the Sanctuary.
  • If you aren’t a UCG member or you live far away, simply contact the office (info@ucgainesville.org or 352-378-3500) and we will be happy to mail a pledge card to you. You may also email your commitment directly and confidentially at our accountant, catherinec@ucgainesville.orgPlease note that all pledging is confidential.  

Our hope is to complete our pledge campaign by November 8th, so please let us know as soon as you can! Thank you so much for your commitment to UCG! 

Small Group submissions needed! We invite you to submit proposals for UCG Small Groups for the winter “quarter.” Small Groups can start as early as December 8. Winter small groups usually end in mid-February. Here is the link to the Small Group Submission Form. The deadline for submissions is TODAY, November 8th. We know how important it is to keep connected and we encourage your creativity in forming small groups, mostly online but possibly in person following safe social distancing practices. We look forward to your small group submissions!

Eat Local, Grow Hope Global enters our fourth week of a five-week project intended to raise awareness of food insecurity. Please support and thank our local partners: Frog Song Organics, Land of Flowers, Swallowtail Farm and Vine Sourdough Bakery. All have returned to local farmers markets. For a downtown market vibe, visit Grove Street on Monday afternoon or the new GNV Market at Heartwood on Thursday afternoons (4-7). Masks are required and social distancing is practiced. For more distance, most partners have online sales. To learn more about food insecurity near and far, join the Zoom Seminar next Sunday, November 15. Eat Local, Grow Hope Global is a Compassion in Action project.

Advent Reflections Submissions Wanted

It’s that time of year again! We are seeking your writings and art for the UCG Advent devotional booklet! We invite you to send in original writings and art, or favorites that remind you of the season. Important: please send in art as jpegs and writings typed in the body of your email, or as PDFs. This makes the editing process run smoothly! Please submit by Sunday, November 8.  You can send submissions to Taylor Williams at gutsandglorygnv@gmail.com.

If you are a regular supporter through our collected offering, please consider making your donation now.  Our budgeted (anticipated) amount of Plate Income for 2020 is $40,000, so we rely on the weekly passing of the plate. To GIVE, click here to make a one-time donation to UCG -or- to set up a recurring donation via your bank account or credit card click here.  Thank you for your support.

Please note: While the Church Office remains closed, we are still available by phone or email from 9am – 4pm, Monday – Friday.