Welcome to Worship
The United Church of Gainesville – October 24, 2021

Join us here for a live-stream of Sunday Worship beginning at 9:15am. 

“It’s a Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood”

“Teach us to care for people, for all, not just for some; To love them as we find them, or as they may become.” -Hymn #388

WELCOME – Rev. Talia Raymond


PRELUDE MUSIC – Phillip Herr-Klepacki

CALL TO WORSHIP – Beatitudes for National Coming Out Day, from First Church Berkeley, UCC

One: Blessed are you who are OUT – whose sexuality and gender shine for all the world to see,

ALL: for you bless the world with light and living color.

One: Blessed are you whose sexuality and gender are held as precious gems close to your heart,

ALL: for your life and love are blessed by the one who made you.

One: Blessed are you who are just coming to know new things about yourself,

ALL: for in you God is still being revealed, and so much is yet to come.

One: Blessed are you who are waiting for the right moment, who are fearing loss or lacking support,

ALL: for no closet door can separate you from the one who made and loves you.

One: Blessed are you who are bi, pan, ace, or aro, or whose sexuality or gender is not seen or recognized,

ALL: for your Creator knows your truth and is so proud of you.

One: Blessed are you whose journey has been rough, and who has not always been affirmed and cherished,

ALL: for your strength testifies to God’s good creation, and you will find ease.

One: Blessed are you whose journey has been smooth, whose community has welcomed your truth,

ALL: for your life is a love song to your queer ancestors who made the way.

One: And blessed is God, who makes their children in gorgeous difference,

ALL: for the whole world is blessed by our multitude of ways to live and love.

OPENING HYMN –  “Here We Are”

TIME WITH OUR CHILDREN – From the Stars in the Sky to the Fish in the Sea by Kai Cheng Thom, illustrated by Wai-Yant Li and Kai Yun Ching. Offered by Bromleigh McCleneghan.

PRAYING THE RAINBOW – Members of Open & Affirming Committee


PRAYER RESPONSE – “She Changes Everything” 

SCRIPTURE READING –  Isaiah 43:16-19

Thus says our God, who makes a way in the sea, a path in the mighty waters, who brings out chariot and horse, army and warrior; they lie down, they cannot rise, they are extinguished, quenched like a wick: Do not remember the former things, or consider the things of old. I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.

SPECIAL MUSIC – “Who Are You Not To Be Beautiful?” written by Susan Johnson, shared by Judy Parsons

You will be invited to join singing the refrain:

Who are you not to be beautiful?

Painted by the very brush of God

Who are you not to be beautiful,

With brushstrokes of your joys and of your scars?

SACRED STORYTELLING – Lisa Langford and Laura Maxwell


One: We are an Open and Affirming community of faith!

ALL: Varied in gender, orientation, expression, color and age, ethnicity and ability, we are a widening circle, open to all, a rainbow company, affirming the splendor of our humanity.

One: Melding strengths and weaknesses, we serve one another and the world.

All: Encouraged and challenged, we endeavor to live in harmony and to do justice.

One: As an Open and Affirming body, we intend:

All: to welcome one another, equally and jubilantly!

One: As an Open and Affirming body, we pray:

All: Spirit of empowering pride, fill us with joy and peace in believing; that we may abound in love and live the vision we proclaim!

CLOSING SONG – “Help Us Accept Each Other” 



Here are the UCG friends celebrating a birthday this week!
Happy Birthday!





































Sunday Seminar

Sunday Seminar  –  Pride Seminar: “Emerging Language”-A panel of UCG members of differing generations will talk about language that has emerged as we strive to describe our identities and relationships. Join here. Meeting ID: 829 6457 0385, Passcode: 1624



Our Open and Affirming Committee will be selling “Y’all Means All” shirts this morning in the Courtyard and at Pride in the Park! The Adult shirts are $15, and youth sizes are $10.  We also have MASKS available for $8. We are offering our shirts in the traditional black, and also the shirts and masks in white. A tie-dye station will be available so that you can customize your white shirts and masks! Get your shirt and mask and join us on Pride Sunday to show your UCG PRIDE!

Today 1:00-5:00pm: UCG’s Pride in the Park @ Depot Park!  Come join us at the Pavilion near the SE 4th St Parking Lot and the bathroom building, look for our Rainbows and cheer.  Cupcakes, beverages, a tie dye station, and outdoor games will be ready for you.  Bring a picnic, a chair, or just yourselves and come enjoy the party together!

All-Board Kickoff Today, October 24th from 5:30 to 6:30 pm via Zoom. This is our annual kickoff event for all Board and Committee members and chairs. You will meet new folks, learn about the work of our Boards and Committees and see what an integral part each of us plays in the ministries of the church.  It is fun, informative and inspiring, and we hope you will attend! Click here for zoom meeting. Zoom Meeting ID: 828 0794 7815 Passcode: 1624

Imagine, Engage, Invest – Our enlistment campaign to fund the 2022 UCG budget continues. To date there are 126 pledges totaling $428,804 of the required $814,429.00, which equals 53% of our goal. We have many options to make pledging easier, and as always your gift is secure and confidential with our Church Accountant, Catherine Cake. If you have not already made your pledge for 2022, please click here to do so now. Thank you!

Calling all Puzzle Lovers – Stop by the Puzzlers’ Table in the courtyard today. Take home some puzzles for the upcoming holiday months. You don’t need to bring puzzles to swap; we have plenty t
o share.

Sunday Drive-Up Assistance Now Available – Volunteers are available to assist disabled persons from the apron in front of the UCG courtyard into the Sanctuary. Please call or text Dar Mikula (352-359-4041) directly ahead of time to make arrangements and we’ll meet you out front. A 24-hour notice is preferred but we will help you even if you wake up Sunday morning and decide to attend the worship service.

CMRB sends out a periodic survey which boards and committees and church leadership can use to gauge our progress with our Three Year Plan. The next survey is ready, and can be found at this linkThe survey has been significantly shortened, so it should only take you a few minutes to complete. Please provide your input today!

All-Saints Labyrinth Walk, October 25-October 28, 9am – 5pm, and October 29 9am – noon – In preparation for All Saints’ Day, bring a photo or memory of a loved one for our shared altar, and stay to walk the labyrinth. Finger (seated) labyrinths are also available. The Labyrinth All Saints service will be held at 6pm on Thursday, October 28.  A time for contemplative prayer, mediation, and remembrance. Sign up online or call the office to reserve your time.

The UCG Jazz Band will be playing that great arrangement of “Won’t You Be My Neighbor” on November 7. We’ll rehearse at UCG on Thursday, November 2 at 7:00 pm. Music is available in the church office. If you want Shanna to send it to you, please contact the church office. Please let Larry Reimer know if you plan on playing. Cindy Martin has transcribed the sax music for flute, so we have lots of opportunities for our flutes to join the band. NOTE: The UCG Jazz band is open to anyone playing a jazz instrument.

Advent Reflections Submissions Wanted – We are seeking your writings and art for the UCG Advent devotional booklet! Please send in original writings and art, or favorites that remind you of the season. Important: please send in art as jpegs and writings typed in the body of your email, or as PDFs. This makes the editing process run smoothly! Please submit by Friday, November 5.  You can send submissions to Taylor Williams at gutsandglorygnv@gmail.com

CIA – We appreciate our 16 local farmers who are partnering with our Eat Local, Grow Hope Global Project. Make plans to visit one of our farmers markets this week and throughout the fall. Please Support our Local Farmers! Watch for more information about the Eat Local, Grow Hope Global Seminar on November 7th and our annual Break-Fast supper on November 10th!

October 23 COVID Update

According to the Florida Department of Health, last week the number of new cases of COVID-19 in Alachua County decreased from 111 to 72 new cases per 100,000 per week. The County is back in the orange zone, substantial risk of transmission (25-100.)
We are holding services inside the Sanctuary again! Your help is needed more than ever on Sunday mornings with greeting and ushering individuals and families at the 9:15AM service.  There’s no lifting involved – just a friendly smile illuminating from behind your mask!  To sign up please click here, email Dar Mikula, or call (352) 378-3500.

Please help keep our church finances healthy while you stay healthy!  Please consider donating online. To GIVE,  click here  to make a one-time donation to UCG -or- to set up a recurring donation schedule via your bank account or credit card. Our budgeted (anticipated) amount of Plate Income for 2021 is $36,000, so we rely on the weekly passing of the plate.  Here  is a video on how to use Shelby Giving.  Thank you for your support!
