The Spring Congregational Meeting was held on Sunday, May 2nd, over zoom. Moderator Rebecca Beachy presided over a very full agenda, which included reports on the work of the AV upgrades (done!), the Covid Team (still at work!), CMRB on the most recent survey (now closed) and the Compensation Philosophy Task Force (just getting started!). Additionally, Andy Bachmann reported on his upcoming sabbatical (see more in the Clergy Corner) and Bromleigh McCleneghan introduced the Annual Report. We welcomed and affirmed a new slate of officers, and voted on two other important matters: an update to the Bylaws (see Moderator’s report for more information) and the status of the PPP loan. The Bylaw update was affirmed, and the PPP vote determined that the decision-making authority for how to disburse the funds would be delegated to the Church Council, which will establish a procedure, in anticipation of the full loan amount being forgiven.
Rebecca was thanked profusely for her wonderful work, and Donn Smith-Lopez began his term as moderator by adjourning the meeting. (Note: these are not the official minutes of the meeting, but a brief summary for those wanting to know the results of the votes).