Sunday Seminars – February 2024

The UCG Sunday Seminar Committee is proud to announce a line-up of seminars we are certain you will enjoy. Seminars are in-person and online on Sundays at 11:30am on Zoom.

February 4 – Getting our house in order: A UCG Capital Campaign “to do” list – Over the last year, the UCG Capital Campaign Visioning committee has worked with the congregation to better understand UCG’s vision and dreams for the future, and how UCG’s infrastructure could be updated or improved to help meet these needs. Over the same year, the Buildings and Grounds committee has worked tirelessly to create an extensively researched  list of essential projects and improvements to address deferred maintenance and infrastructure needs, as well as potential projects that could enhance the church’s ability to carry out its vision and improve safety, accessibility, hospitality, and environmental and financial sustainability. This seminar will give participants the opportunity to review the “essential repairs and improvements” and “visionary projects” lists, and the next steps for a capital campaign to go toward funding these projects.

February 11 – Ask Me About My Time in Prison – UCG members Larry Reimer, Karen Johnson, and Barbara Beynon will discuss why they have been actively involved in the support of incarcerated people. They will share what it is like to enter a prison and some of the responses they have received from the prisoners and/or families of prisoners, as well as what the impact this service has had on them personally.

February 18 – Repentance: What Is It? – Is the concept still relevant today? Why do it? How do we do it? Offered by Daniel Webster.

February 25 – Putting Books in Kids Hands – the Alachua County public schools’ response to banning books presented by Patty Duval, library media services specialist with the Alachua County Public Schools. The presentation will walk you through how recent legislation has impacted our school libraries and how we are maintaining compliance. This seminar is sponsored by UCG’s Justice League, which consists of the Racial Justice, Open and Affirming, and Creation Justice committees.

Book your tickets