Sunday Seminars in October 2023

During October, the UCG Sunday Seminar Committee will host an inspiring collection of Sunday Seminars: They will be available live in Reimer Hall or on Zoom at 11:15 a.m. Meeting ID: 829 6457 0385, Passcode: 1624. Offerings are below.

October 1 – Measuring Earth’s Fever

Allan March, a retired physician and climate realist, will use human physiology as a way to introduce the Climate Shift Index (CSI), an evidence-based embodiment of weather attribution science suitable for everyday use by the general public, no matter where they live. (Weather attribution is the use of scientific tools to understand how climate change influences extreme weather.) He will present practical applications of CSI and provide accessible resources suitable for all age groups.


October 8 – Webster’s Faith Vocabulary, Volume 2  

In this seminar we will continue to explore some key faith-related words, including defining, comparing, and contrasting key oft-used religious terms through the lens of a progressive religious perspective. As time allows we may explore some words more specifically connected to who we are as UCG. Daniel Webster will be more fully utilizing the premise of the book “Amazing Grace: A Vocabulary of Faith” by poet Kathleen Norris, among other texts, as a launching point. Please note this Seminar will begin at 11:30 a.m.


October 15 – No seminar


October 22 – Surprise Guest!

Join us for a Pride themed seminar with a special surprise guest after the Pride service. Stay for brunch to follow.


October 29 –  Stepping Stones: From Cathars to Compact

When we say the UCG Compact, do we know where those words came from? We’ve all heard of Martin Luther, but who was he and how did he influence our compact? Who were the heretics who broke away from Roman Catholicism? And did you know that our compact was also shaped by contributions from John Wesley in England, Jean-Paul Sartre in France, Dietrick Bonhoffer in Germany, and Thomas Jefferson in the United States (among others)? Join us as we dissect the UCG Compact to understand the shoulders that we stand on.


Book your tickets