The CMRBeat – What is that Congregational Ministry Review Board up to, anyway?

Hey, UCG, there’s a lot going on. We’re sure you’ve noticed. Here’s a few things your CMRB has been chipping away at:

Celebrating Successes!

As we move through the annual reviews of Talia and Bromleigh, we have been struck by the many ways we continue to grow and serve as a congregation. Here are some of the highlights so far:

  • An engaged congregation: we’ve received over 300 responses to the Transition Survey. The largest response rate in many years!
  • Committed ministers with a vision for the future of our church and incredible lay leadership working alongside them to achieve that vision. 40% of our members are involved in lay leadership through committee work!
  • Highest work tour attendance in UCG history!
  • Largest junior high Our Whole Lives (OWL) class enrollment in UCG history!
  • Functional and fully re-staffed youth programs with high attendance rates.
  • Special Events: “Spring Fling” partnership with UF occupational therapists, attended by more than 150 community members.

Planning and Structuring:

This time of transition provided an opportunity to reexamine some of our processes and procedures. We consulted with the Transition Team and worked to coordinate our efforts. This has led to some important changes in the way we do the work of our committee.

  • We strategically discussed our upcoming Three Year Plan (currently delayed to accommodate transition plan priorities.)
  • We restructured processes for ministerial evaluations, utilizing outside resources to compile a new format to lead toward more meaningful, candid, honest, and helpful conversations – and conducted the first of two!
  • Established a covenant to help facilitate positive, constructive, forward-thinking feedback.

Requesting Your Support:

As we move forward with this transition year, one thing is very clear: we need you! 

  • Your participation in transition planning and activities! This will set the baseline for our next Three Year Plan that will determine our direction and goals as a church.
  • Your patience and flexibility with our ministers, who are working SO HARD to keep up with all the incredible visible and “behind the curtain” processes that keep UCG’s work happening!
  • Your participation in worship, committees, and other activities (however known) as you feel called!
  • Give yourself a pat on the back – you are part of a wonderful, sacred, beautiful community and you and your gifts are a major part of what makes UCG such a special place!

As always, please reach out to either of us with any feedback you would like to share. RD Bonnaghan,, and Helda Montero (352-219-0410) or

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