The Racial Justice League

The Racial Justice Committee (RJC), Open and Affirming Committee (ONA), and Creation Care and Climate Justice Task Force (C3J) are combining forces . . . we are THE JUSTICE LEAGUE!

There is a lot of intersectionality in our work, so it just makes sense to join forces in some instances. According to Wikipedia, “superheroes usually operate independently but occasionally assemble as a team to tackle particularly formidable foes.” Just like Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman, et al. we will continue to meet separately but will join forces when it is appropriate! We mean no disrespect to DC Comics, but rather make this an homage to them.

Working on social/climate justice issues can be a difficult struggle. To combat burn-out we have decided to make the Justice League into UCG’s most fun committees! To celebrate our alliance we had a wonderful pool party at Jim Harper’s home in July, and have other events planned.

You too can be a superhero! Join us  August 13 at Time and Talent! We’d love to have your help and share the fun!

Book your tickets