Transition Update

We are now several months into this season of staff transition at UCG, prompted by Andy Bachmann’s retirement at the end of April. The Church Council approved the establishment of three temporary, part-time positions to help redistribute the work as we transition — for the moment, at least — from a three-person clergy team to a two-minister model. Those folks – Chad, Ellen, and Heather — also help to create a little extra room in Talia and Bromleigh’s schedules for the work of participating on the Transition Team.

In the meantime, the Transition Team has continued to meet and has rounded out its membership. Our team includes representatives from the Board of Business, the Congregation-Ministry Review Board (CMRB), the new Board of Human Resources, our current, past and future moderators, and those who serve our justice and young adult ministries, as well as our ministers. We have met with the Rev. Laura Stephens-Reed, a congregational coach, for the first of six Zoom sessions to help the team develop a process to move us through this season of reflection.

While we are certain there is work enough for a three-person ministry team, the Transition Team is also engaged in conversation about how our staff model is shaped and limited by our financial resources and desires for sustainability. As part of that conversation, the team has asked the Board of Human Resources and the Board of Business to offer some estimates of the costs of different models.  A full-time minister’s package usually includes health insurance and benefits, but also requires less administrative time than multiple part-time personnel. Someone just beginning in professional ministry often has a lower starting salary than someone in the middle or the last years of their career. The team members, especially Talia and Bromleigh, have a good deal of experience in multiple models of ministry, and we are exploring multiple possibilities from many angles!

The team is also hoping to lead reflection on what areas of focus might comprise a third ministerial position, should we move in that direction. While working with our current ministers around their interests, energy and gifts, an equally critical part of that reflection is hearing from the congregation about our hopes and dreams for the congregation. As we begin to better understand what the work of UCG is going to be in the next season of its life, we can better envision a staffing model that will reflect those priorities.

The Transition Team will continue to work over the next few months and will be inviting congregational feedback in a number of forms, particularly another seminar on August 20, small group conversation, and a survey. Please stay involved in this important time. All voices are needed!

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