UCG Disaster Awareness Response Team

UCG is actively updating our member Disaster Awareness Team. Currently we have about 15 UCG members on a list. The purpose of this team is to reach out to UCG members who have voluntarily given their name to UCG as a person who feels potentially at risk during some kind of natural disaster such as a hurricane or extreme heat event with a loss of power. The team would function more like a phone tree providing a check up call for approximately 5-6 of the at- risk-members on the master list. As a volunteer on this team, you would be asked to:

• Call the member at risk

• Make sure they know you are their contact on the team

• Check to see if they have completed the new survey providing you (and UCG office) with critical contact information

• Assist in registering them with the Alachua County Emergency Management services program if needed

• Call periodically to check on their status and well being

• Bring any major concerns to the attention of the Kairos Team and/or the Health Ministry Team

I will be calling existing team members on the old list to see if you wish to remain on the team. We certainly welcome new members who would like to volunteer in this capacity. We know as our church ages this list will grow! Please email me at starlina16@gmail.com if you wish to be on this team.

UCG Disaster Awareness List

In the past, UCG has compiled a list of anyone in our congregation that lives alone or who may be at risk during some kind of natural disaster such as a hurricane or extreme heat event combined with a loss of power. Currently we have about 35 members on the list. We are asking any church member interested to please call the church office to make sure your name is on our list if you feel the need. This list is designed as a basic support system or phone tree, not just for seniors, but for anyone who may welcome a checkup call during a natural disaster of some kind. You may live far from family or a support system you can rely on. If so, UCG would like to know who you are and the best way to reach you during an emergency. Please make sure to fill out this brief survey and return to the church office. Fillable – SURVEY FOR UCG DISASTER AWARENESS LIST

Star Bradbury
Disaster Team Coordinator

Worship with Us

Join us for Sunday Worship! 

Offered at 10 a.m. live in the Sanctuary or livestreamed on YouTube.

Sunday Sermon by Rev. Talia Raymond

Sunday Seminar for February 23 – “Bridging the Gap Between Deaf and Hearing Worlds,” with special guest Kentrell Martin

Book your tickets